One Month With Out You | Teen Ink

One Month With Out You

May 22, 2018
By Puppy_Lover1 GOLD, Adel, Iowa
Puppy_Lover1 GOLD, Adel, Iowa
17 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
When something goes wrong in your life just yell "PLOT TWIST" and move on

Mia and Jack have always been friends, they have never gone a day without saying a single word to each other. Both of there moms were best friends growing up together so Jack and Mia have always been close. If you can't find one you know there together. Mia is a chatty, smart, funny, and cheerful girl, she loves to tell stories and has seemed fearless. Jack is a really  good friend to Mia, and always listens to her stories, and he is always there for Mia when she needs him most. Jack is the kind of guy that is very confident in the things he does and is never judgmental and is always brave for Mia so she's never has to be afrede. They made a promise to each other when they were younger, to never stop being friends and to never let anything get in between them. Tuesday June, 10, 2018, It's a beautiful  afternoon. Mia and Jack are at the movies,  and they don't have to go home until 8pm so they decided to go to the the park to kill time. It's only when they start to head back does everything change for Mia and Jack.

¨ On Tuesday Night Two local teens had gone missing in downtown Charleston.

Police say that 13 year old Mia Madison and 14 year old Jack Davidson have been reported missing by their parents at 8:40pm Tuesday night. after being late for dinner, and not responding to their mothers calls and texts. “which was very unusual, and not like them” says Mia's mom (Nicole Madison). According to Jack's mom (leah davidson) ¨they were supposed to meet at Mia's house for dinner but didn't show up.¨ According to locals Mia and Jack were last seen walking to Mia's house from the around 7:50pm on Harrison Drive but were not seen since.¨

It's around 7:48pm when they start to head back to mia's house, but within only 2 min, they were stopped by 2 men in a delivery truck who asked them for directions to a house in mia and jacks neighborhood so they thought nothing of it…
(Mias perspektiv)
My head's throbbing, I don't know where I am or what happened,  that's when I hear jack he's breathing heavily, silently cursing under his breath. I don't thinks he knows I'm a wake, that's when I hear him say something so fantily it sounds like it's barely a whisper he says ¨I'm so sorry this is my fault I let this happen mia - this is all my fault i'm so so sorry mia please forgive me, I'm sorry i let this happen¨
Jack lets out a sigh full of emotions that I can't identify. That is when I also let out a sigh so that he knows I’m awake. Then, Jack comes over and sits beside me. I ask him what happened, and as he explains I don´t know what to feel. When he finished explaining, I am in shock. I was not sure of how I was supposed to react. I ask him where we are and he tells me we’re in an old warehouse. The throbbing is unbearable. I start groaning and trying to get it to stop. When I bring down my hand from my head I see blood and more starts to flow down the side of my face.
Suddenly, the door opens. One of the guys gave the directions to walk in along with two other guys. I didn’t recognize one of them is carrying two plates, and the other one is holding two bottles of water and some Tylenol. They set the plates on a table in the middle of the room and tell us to drink. They also set the Tylenol on the table and they say they will be back in a little bit with some stuff to make a bed.
A few weeks later, they come in and tell us they are going to the store. They tell us there is a guard just outside the room if we need anything. We can hear them pull away in their car. I whisper to Jack, “This has to end now, we have to get out of here!” Jack quietly nods that he agrees and asks the guard for some paper and markers. When he returns with the supplies, the guard asks why we need them. We simply say it’s to pass the time. When the guard opens the door to give us the supplies, Jack runs and hits the door pushing it into the guard and knocking him out. We pull him into the room and close the door. We run to the front door, but it’s locked. The back door is open and we escape. We keep running for a couple blocks before we see someone in a car and ask for a ride to the police station.

¨A month ago the two teens from Charleston had gone missing. Yesterday, 13 year old Mia Madison and 14 year old Jack Davidson arrived at the local police station. Mia Madison was immediately rushed to the hospital due to further injuries. They gave local police the location of the warehouse and are being reunited with their families later today.¨
(A few years later)
¨Today we interviewed local resident Mia Madison. We asked what are some of the struggles you face today in life due to your past experiences?¨
¨Well, the most common struggle is trusting people in general. Not all people, but most I have a hard time getting close to. I used to believe that no bad person lived in our town, until that day. Now, when I look at people I see them differently. I look closer for any signs that would tell me to not trust them. The biggest thing that helped me get through the past few years after the incident was Jack. I at least have someone that went through it with me and knows everything that I felt. Even today, I still struggle with the memories of the events, and I don’t know if it will ever go away.”

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