Trust | Teen Ink


May 28, 2018
By Melanie44 BRONZE, Brenatwood, New Hampshire
Melanie44 BRONZE, Brenatwood, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

CHAPTER 1 (Laura):
“Hi, I’m Laura White, and welcome to my channel,” is the first thing that I ever said on camera. I was 17 years old and couldn't go another day in LA being the only one who didn't have a Youtube channel, so I decided to create one. 
“Laura, what has your life come to, I mean Youtube, really?” asked Adam.
“Yeah it’s a great way to get money for college,” I replied as I bit my nails.
“Only if you're famous, and you're never going to get famous on Youtube. It's just a waste of time,” Adam warned as he walked away. He did that a lot lately, he just walked away when he got sick of arguing. We never actually fixed our problems, just walked away from them.
1 view
Ooooh, yesss a view! Oh never mind it’s from me.
I walked into work later that evening still annoyed with Adam. I hate being a barista at Starbucks, I mean it has some “summery” vibes inside, but it’s across from the tattoo place next to the  door, and there's always super sketchy people that come in everyday.
“Laura focus,” said my boss Andy, “you need to stop daydreaming like this, I mean you literally spelt Bob wrong, like how?”
“Oh, my bad.”
I figured it was time to take my break, so I checked my Instagram and checked on any horoscope updates. I don't know what I would do if my zodiac sign did not have a new role everyday.
Sarah (a.k.a my best friend on the planet) and I were in deep conversation when,
“Hey, um Laura is that your dad right there?” Sarah interrupted, moving closer to me.
“Crap, what is he doing here, he knows I’ll call the cops on him.”
“Laura!” my dad yelled,”Your mother told me you moved out of the house and left her there alone.”
“Like you even care what happens to her anymore,” I exclaimed as I took a big step back. I couldn't deal with my dad today, I already wasn't having a good day. I didn't need him coming and screwing up my life once again. So I told him I had to work and he left eventually, but I know he’ll be back, but for more than just to talk. He’s the reason I never come home anymore. If he’s there I have to leave the house before 10:00 PM, or else he gets drunk, and bad things happen when he gets drunk. I just can't get the image of him grabbing my arms and pushing them down so I couldn't move.
When I got home I checked my computer to see if I got anymore views on my video. Nope, none. I needed to make a really good video, like really interesting that would make me famous so I wouldn't have to work at that awful coffee shop anymore. So I brainstormed ideas with Sarah over the phone all night. I love Sarah, we’ve been best friends since the first day of highschool, and I don't know if I could have made it this far without her. I remember when we were younger, it seems like forever now, we would run and play outside with our bear-feet in the dirt without a care in the world. Then her mom would come pick her up and she would go home and do homework. I would have to see my drunk dad pin me down to his freezing cold bed. Things have changed now though. Sarah moved out to L.A with Adam and I, and ever since, my dad has never stopped by after I told him I didn't want to see him every again. Until now.

We didn't end up thinking of anything good, just the usual trends, but trends weren't going to get me famous. I needed something that would get people's attention, like “girl gets arrested for Jaywalking”. I stayed home Sunday, and ended up making 5 videos, it’s just that none of them were worth watching, even my grandma said they were boring. Adam had been super passive aggressive all night, so I didn't talk to him much.

The next day Adam drove me to school, and didn't say a word to me, I don't know what his problem is, but he’ll get over it eventually.

CHAPTER 2 (Adam):
Laura was being unreasonable about the whole Youtube thing, and it was really annoying me, so I decided to stop talking to her. I’m sure that by the next time I see her she’ll get over this dumb thought. I know that she won't make a career out of it, she just has to realise that life will change if she gets famous.
“Laura enough of this already, you can't do Youtube your whole life, and finals are coming up, you need to focus on school so that you can get accepted into a good college. Not staying up until 2 in the morning making a stupid video. Being famous comes with a cost, so don't push it,” I argued.
“Well you can't do that to me Adam, it’s not fair that I can't do what I want to do, I mean I finally find something I’m actually good at...”
I interrupted, “No, you haven't okay, what do you have? Like 1 view. Your not good at it, and you need to stop this, it’s just dumb. When you’re famous and have no friends, don't come crying to me.”
Not that she would ever even get famous.
“You know what Adam, that’s it, I’m going to Sarah’s she’s the only one who appreciates my company,” Laura yelled as she jumped out of the car and walked away.

CHAPTER 3 (Adam):
Laura was being crazy, so I let her cool off for the day. She never came home which was alarming, but I knew she was with Sarah, I just hoped they would do anything stupid.
When I woke up in the morning expecting she would be home, I realized that she was serious, so I checked her instagram to see if she had posted anything about it. There was a post that said she was going to be gone for the day, but a new Youtube video will be up soon.
Great another Youtube video, it will probably be about me.
I’m going to need to apologize to her fast before she does something that gets her in trouble.

CHAPTER 4 (Laura):
It was noon and I was walking around the street when I saw Adam in his car, he told me to get in, and I wasn't in the mood to run so I got in. He kept telling me how sorry he was and how he shouldn't have yelled at me like that.
“You just don’t get it Adam. I need money for college, and I may or may not have called my boss up drunk last night, and told him that I was quitting. So this Youtube thing has to work, if it doesn't then there won't be any college, and without college I live on the street, and that means I will be homeless, and probably die early. I don't want to die early, so I have to do good at Youtube!”
“Can you just give me a day to think about this,” exclaimed Adam.
“Fine,” I said as I stepped out of the car, walking in the opposite direction.
I found Sarah at Starbucks afterwards, it was her easyshift, so I told her everything that happened. She was super sweat and understanding, she was always like that. Anytime I needed something she was the first one to come find me, and she always knew where I would be. Which was always the loft above my apartment.
“Let’s go to the bar downtown and get your mind off it,” she mentioned.
Why do I have such a great best friend?

CHAPTER 5 (Adam):
I walked into school the next day to find Laura and Sarah with large baggy eyes. I knew they had been drinking the night before, but I don't want to be a snitch, so I let it go.
“Hey Laura, can we talk?” I asked.
“Yeah I guess, but it has to be fast I have to get to science,” Laura agreed as she stood up and walked towards me.
“Listen, I'm sorry for being rude about the Youtube thing, I get it but I still think you should focus on school,” I exclaimed.
“Okay but first will you help me with this video Sarah and I are trying to make, because we need a camera person,’’ She said.
“Fine, but just this one time,” I mumbled confidently,”What is it about anyways?”
“Well we’re doing a 24 hour challenge in Walmart, it’s going to be so fun, we’ll make forts in the shopping areas, you’ll see, it will be fun,” Luara nagged.
“Okay, okay, fine.”

CHAPTER 6 (Laura):
I was glad that Adam decided he wanted to help me with the video. Although I’ve been in the worst mood lately, my dad won't stop calling and texting me about him coming for me if I don't answer.
Like who would say that?
Does he mean like pick me up in his car, or like kidnap me?
I got a text from him saying “Oh, and if you don't respond something I will come after you, and you know I love you, so please just answer me,” like how weird is that. It’s like he knows that the only way that I will ever talk to him again is if I am going to die if I don't. He needs to get his life together, I mean this is just ridiculous sometimes.
The next day I decided to skip school with Adam and Sarah, and get everything ready for Saturday when we do the 24 hour challenge. Sitting in the house all day coming up with ideas, is really what I needed. We came up with lots of ideas and got the camera ready. I’m hoping something crazy will happen, like we get kicked out, or arrested. That would make for a really good video. I would watch that.

CHAPTER 7 (Adam):
I wanted to make it up to Laura, and I know she hasn't seen her family for a while. Her mom didn't pick up the phone, but her dad did. So I invited him over for dinner tonight. I’m going to surprise her so much, she’ll be so happy.
“Laura, I’m making a nice dinner tonight can you be home by 6:30?”
“Yeah, sure,” she said.
I was so excited, she’s going to have no idea that her dad is coming
As I opened up the door, I saw a drunken man who looked like he just walked out of a garbage can.
“Um sorry sir, but I think you have the wrong house,” I exclaimed as I slowly shut the door.
“Sorry, do you happen to know where Adam Mcdonnell and Laura White live?” said the strange man who is beginning to sound a lot like the guy I was talking to on the phone.
“Um, yes sir that’s right here, I’m Adam Mcdonnell.”
“Oh, well hello I’m Laura’s dad,” he showed himself through the door,”Where is she anyway?”
“She’ll be home in about 5 minutes, sorry for the misunderstanding, come have a seat.”
I walked over to the table, I could smell the alcohol from a mile away.
Is this why Laura didn't like to visit her parents?

CHAPTER 8 (Laura):
I walked into the apartment looking for Adam, he seemed to be acting weird so when I looked into the kitchen I was surprised to see him standing there cooking. Then I looked towards the dining room when I noticed my dad sitting in MY chair ready to eat MY food.
“What the hell is he doing here Adam!?” I screamed
“I wanted to surprise you,” spoke Adam sheepishly,” why aren't you happy?”
“Because my dad is a rapist and a lunatic so get him out of my house or I’m leaving!” I yelled
After that my dad told Adam that I had gone crazy and to let me go. So of course the one place I had to go was over to Sarah’s house. When I got there she suggested that I should get my mind off it.
“We should do your video,” Sarah exclaimed.
“When? Like now?” I asked.
“Yeah lets just go.”
I figured it was a good way to get my mind off things so I agreed and we left to Walmart.

CHAPTER 9 (Adam):
Laura had left me with her dad in the living room speechless. I was terrified and confused all at once.
“Get out of my apartment right now!” I shouted.
Laura’s dad walked out of the apartment in shame but with a harsh look in his eyes like he was mad at Laura for leaving. I just can't believe what she told me about this devil that I let into our apartment. How could I be so stupid. I should have seen the signs that there was something wrong with there relationship.

CHAPTER 10 (Laura):
Sarah and I had called an Uber and were on our way to Walmart. I couldn't stop thinking about how my dad had the nerve to come into my apartment and not think that I would freak out. He’s crazy.
Once Sarah and I had gotten to Walmart we started filming right away. We built forts inside the isles where they sold bikes in big boxes. We took a ton of stock and decorated. Afterwards we went to Subway and got some dinner. To pass the time we went to the arcade, got our hair and nails done in the salons. It was the most fun I've had in a long time.
“Laura look!” said Sarah dressed in a skeleton costume with a bright pink wig on.
“Oh my gosh, that's the best thing I've seen all year,” I said as I took out my camera to capture the moment of happiness. I always liked to video the happy part of my day, no one wants to watch videos of people being depressed and crying on their kitchen floor.

CHAPTER 11 (Adam):
I had texted Laura asking where she’d gone. She told me she was at Walmart with Sarah. I knew they were making a video. I figured I would let them be. That’s when I remembered the promise that I had made her, so I decided I better get over to Walmart and help her with the camera, she’s never been that good with electronics anyways.
When I got to Walmart I saw Laura and Sarah having the time of their lives, but I also saw Laura’s dad walking right towards the entrance. Then all the lights turned off and a terrifying alarm started going off.

CHAPTER 12 (Laura):
The lights were out and the only thing I can see is the bright red light flashing near the emergency exits. All I can hear is this awful alarm that was so loud and some faint screams from a distance. Then all the sudden the lights came back on and I looked around frantically for Sarah.
“Sarah, Sarah!” I screeched at the top of my lungs, “Sarah where are you!”
Then my eyes found Adam walking towards me.
What is he doing here, and where did Sarah go?
“Adam, why are you here?”
“I came to help you film your video,” he exclaimed.
My video! Oh my gosh, my video. Have I been recording this whole time?
I looked down at my camera, and saw the red light flashing.

CHAPTER 13 (Adam):
“Where is Sarah,” I asked Laura.
“I don't know she was here when the lights where on and now she’s gone,” Laura said terrified.
“I saw your dad walking in when the lights went off.”
“Adam, that’s what he does, he probably rapped her, or worse!” Laura cried, “We have to find her!”
As we started to look around Walmart we soon realised that Sarah and Laura’s dad where not here, and that we were going to have to look somewhere else.
But where else could they be?
After looking around Walmart pretty thoroughly once more, we walked towards the set of sliding doors, we walked out of the first set into the lobby area were arcade games and shopping carts can be found. I looked over to the right and saw a mangled girl on the floor.
Is that Sarah? It couldn't be. Or could it?
“Sarah, Sarah is that you?’’ Laura asked.
We ran to her and the only thing I could hear was Laura’s cry for help. I called the ambulance as fast as I could.
Iphone company’s really need to make it easier to get into your phones when there's an emergency.


CHAPTER 14 (Laura):
4 months later:
I haven't had the nerve to look at the video I got when Sarah died. When the police asked for it I told them I dropped the camera and it broke when I found her dead. The truth was that I didn't want anyone to see it, and I wanted to be the first one to watch it. I’ve changed my mind now, I want to be the only one who doesn't watch it.  I haven't made any Youtube videos since, but I know when I post this, I might regret it. I want the world to see that anyone can be a monster, even if it’s your own dad. My dad is in prison for life now, I wish they still gave people a sentence for the electric chair, he deserves it.
Click, uploaded
I still haven't watched the video, but honestly I dont think I’ll ever have the nerve to do it.
1 view
The notifications never stopped.
I guess being famous does come with a cost, that’s one thing Adam was right about.

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