The Life of Peter | Teen Ink

The Life of Peter

May 30, 2018
By Alexhoov BRONZE, Pepper Pike, Ohio
Alexhoov BRONZE, Pepper Pike, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a calm Saturday morning, and the sun glistened off of the pool as I sat with my legs half in and half out of it. I sat beside my dog, Ellie. She was basically my only friend. My name is Peter. I’m what you call different. Depression is a mental disorder that is very hard to get rid of. Unfortunately, I have depression. Some people aren’t aware that I have it, so I get made fun of. They just don’t realize that I can’t just “cheer up” or “get over it”. They just don’t understand.

It was May 24, 2018, when my life changed. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I sat in the shade reading a book during recess, but I couldn’t focus. I scanned the area, looking at all of the laughing faces having fun together. And then, there was me. Alone, ugly, fat, and sad. That’s when my life flipped upside down. A beautiful blond-haired angel walked right past me to pick up a ball.
“Hey,” I said to the beautiful girl nervously. “Can I play with you?” I asked in a croaky voice.

“Sure!” exclaimed the attractive girl. “We’re playing four square,” she continued.

I threw down the Harry Potter book and jumped up in line. It was my turn, and to be honest I had no idea what I was doing. I was hitting the ball every direction possible. But I didn’t care. I was with her and that’s all that matters. This was the first time in a while that I actually felt happy.

Every day since then I played four square with her and her friends. I also was getting way better at the game. I was getting in the king square every time. But I, of course, had to let her beat me. Whenever I played four square I felt like I didn’t even have depression, I felt invincible.

Every day when I got home I told my dad about her, her long luscious locks, her smile, and how she makes me feel invincible. However, my dad brought up something that I’d never even thought about. Asking her to be my girlfriend. When my father first expressed this idea I was completely grossed out. But the more I thought about it the more I wanted to do it. Think about it, she makes me forget that I have depression. Imagine feeling this way every single day. I have to.

For the next week, every single day I would come home and practice on Ellie. “Jessica, you make me feel invincible, and I want to feel that way every single day with you. Will you be my girlfriend?” I repeated the same phrase over and over again until I had it memorized. The only problem, Will she say yes? This thought was racing through my head. What if she says no? My life would be over, literally. But she won’t. I can do this.

Later that night I ride my bike to Heinen's. I go to the flower section to pick out the most beautiful flowers.

“Hi, may I help you?” said the approaching employee.

“I need the perfect flowers for the perfect girl,” I replied with the largest grin on my face.

“How are these?” laughed the helpful lady as she pulled down the most beautiful flowers I’ve seen in my life.

“Perfect,” I said gallantly.

Next, I moved onto the sporting aisle. I had to get her the perfect four-square ball. I scanned right and left looking for the perfect ball. When BANG! It hit me, literally. I picked the bright pink ball off of the ground and thought to myself this is perfect. It’s her favorite color.

The next day at school I made sure to get there extra early. However, I was really tired from practicing with Ellie all night. But still, the same thought rushed through my head. Would she say yes or no? I waited by her locker. Five minutes pass. Ten minutes pass. I  think about leaving when all of a sudden there she was. The beautiful girl was wearing a blue shirt with jeans and white Converse. However, she wasn’t alone. Mike Peterson, a six-foot starting quarterback had wrapped himself around her.

“Oh hey Peter,” said the stunning girl who got less and less attractive the more I look at her and the ugly giant.

“I can’t believe this!” I yelled dropping everything I had as I ran through the crimson school doors.

I ran all the way back to my house with only one thought in my mind. It’s over. I dashed into my room and ripped the screen out of the window. There I was, on top of my roof, one jump from death. I took a step forward when all of a sudden I felt something brush up against my leg. Ellie. Oh no, I can’t do this. What is Ellie going to do if I die? I have to live… for Ellie.

Ever since that day, life hasn’t been the same. I treat every day like it’s my last because it potentially is. You never know what could happen. But that’s when my phone started to vibrate. It was my mom. But I never get calls from my mom. I answer the phone only to hear the worst news of my life. Ellie was dead.

I dashed home with only one intention in mind. To be with Ellie. I snatched the screen out of my window, ran to the edge and jumped to where I truly belonged. With Ellie.


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