That Girl | Teen Ink

That Girl

September 17, 2018
By sunny-nk33 BRONZE, Flagstaff, Arizona
sunny-nk33 BRONZE, Flagstaff, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She’s standing there, where I asked her to meet me.
She’s beautiful, her eyes, her hair, her smile… her lips.
I’ve always wondered, how they would feel like on mine. Would it be soft? Would it have flavor? Would she kiss me back?
I can’t move, but she’s still standing there, looking perfect as ever!
She slowly comes to me and takes my hand.
Oh! Her soft fingers interlock with mine. She looks up and her eyes locked with mine.
I… I can’t move, I froze in front of her! I’m such an idiot and I’m blabbering like one too!
She’s probably gonna laugh at me, sweating, blabbering, MY RED FACE! Why me!

Wait, what’s this feeling? I’ve felt something on my lips, I come back to reality,
she’s… SHE’S KISSING ME! What should I do?
Kiss her back you idiot!
I did what I was told, I wrapped my arms around her waist, and I felt a pair of arms going around my neck.
I brought her closer, deepening the kiss.
We parted, she looks up to me again, and out comes a cute giggle.
Confused I was, but then I smiled, she's so cute.
She puts her arms around me again but around my waist and rests her head on my chest,
I did the same putting my arms around her shoulder, and resting my head on hers.
I love her
I love him.

The author's comments:

Love is here! Love is everywhere! I'm a sucker for mushy gushy romance, and I'm PROUD! I hope y'all like it I certainly liked writing it, I know its short, but I enjoy writing short stories!

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