Falling | Teen Ink


September 28, 2018
By Anonymous

Four years ago 2014 it was a chilly Friday night. I was walking to the subway in downtown Chicago to hop on a train to meet with some friends.

    He was walking to the subway to aboard a train so he could get some candy for his little brother.

    I ran into a boy. He was tall and had short black hair. I liked his hair. It looked very smooth. I wonder what condition he uses.

She ran into me. Their eyes met and they fell in love instantly.

His eyes meet hers instantly falling in love. The way her eyes glowed in the moonlight her long brunette hair. He never believed in “love at first sight” until now. He helped her up and heard gunshots.

There was screaming then it stopped more screaming then it stopped. He grabbed her arm and ran. He ran them into a bathroom and hid in the stall.

“You saved my life thank you”

“Of course”

Do I ask for her number tell her my name? But all he did was walk he walked away and realize he’ll never see her again.

September 9th, 2018, tomorrow is graduation day. As I walk home from campus I get a phone call that could change my life.

“hello is this Ellie Besson”

“Yes, this is Ellie. Do you have my test results?”

“Yes, we do Ellie. I'm sorry to say but you have…” the phone went silent. What do you have I need to know! So many thoughts are running through my mind. Do I have… no, I don't I'm not going to allow myself to think about such a thing. But what if I do have

He graduates in junior years of college tomorrow. He is going to drop out and not finish college. He still thinks about that girl he saw on the subway. Four years ago. Wow, four years it's been so long why did I have to be so stupid and not ask for her number or even her name I mean I pretty much saved her life.

I wonder if that mystery boy I saw remembers me. Personally, I think he should've made a move, like ask for my name or something. I know I know you probably thinking, “the guy doesn't always make the first move” well to me the guy normally makes the first move. That's what I was always taught. Maybe I should've made a move then I wouldn't be lonely ugh. Maybe I'll run into him at the subway or something…

Graduation Day. I'm talking to my friends and you'll never guess who I saw. Correct the mystery boy that saved my life. We make eye contact and I smile. I've never seen him on campus maybe he's a junior.

He sees her beautiful eyes and gorgeous hair. Making him smile probably the biggest smile he has smiled in a while. Daniel seems... happy you could say. Yes, his name is Daniel. Daniel Marais. He was diagnosed with depression at age 10 when his mother passed away. His mother death hit hard. His father was an alcoholic so he was put in the system. He was one of the “popular” who doesn't care about his grades. He would go out to parties drink illegally and get high with his friends. To be honest he is failing all of his classes right now. There is one reason he's dropping out. Another reason is that he is moving to LA to hopefully have a better life there.

I decided to move to LA after college and prose my singing. I've always been a  singer I mean that's what my mom and friends have said. My dad is some famous dude that I have actually never met. So I guess I got my singing skills from him. My mom though is terrible and when I say terrible I mean terrible. Probably the worst singer you have ever met. Sorry not sorry mom, love you.

Hollars and screaming filled that air as we threw our hats in the air. I graduated yes me Ellie Maple Besson graduated. I can finally leave this place and never come back. He, on the other hand, did not graduate. Not even junior year

All of Daniel's friends are bugging him to go talk to her. He decides to go walk up to her hopefully he doesn't freak out. I can do this I know I can. Wait for no. wait ahi don't know   I see him walking up to me and I start to freak out.

“Hey isn't that the one dude you talk about all the time,” My best friend Claire says.

“ Um yeah, don't tell him ANYTHING got it?” I exclaimed

“ Ok ok chill I'm won't say anything,” said Claire.

He starts makes his way over to her and smiles

“Hey umm.,” he said

“Ellie um my name is Ellie and yours is?”

“Daniel, Daniel Marais. Your a senior right” Daniel questioned

“Yeah, I'm guessing you're a junior” Ellie said

‘HEY, we gotta go” Claire exclaimed from across the room.

“ I gotta go um here is my number 123-456-7890”

“Thanks,” Daniel said as she walked away with a smile on her face.

Today is the big day my first day of work but…. I have a fever 105.9 to be exact. Right now I'm in the hospital laying on my bed get tons of tests done.


“ hey it's Daniel” the text read

“ Hey, how are you?”

“I'm fine how about you”

“I'm in the hospital…”

The doctors walk in and I set my phone down leaving daniel on reading.

“Ellie we have something to tell you and it's extremely important”

“Okay, doc what's up?”

“Well Ellie, you have stage 4 leukemia we tried to call you a few months ago but the call line disconnected and we could not find your number. We tried to get in contact with you but we couldn't. We're so sorry”

Ho-How long to I have to live?”

“I'm sorry to say but 6 months.”  

“ Oh um okay”

    I just start crying, I'm only 18 I'm supposed to be going to LA hanging out with my friends. Falling in love for god's sakes. What am I supposed to do? I walk home and let it all sit in. “ i-i has ca-cancer” I say out loud while choking on my tears, “what am I gonna do. I have no one, I don't talk to my mom I don't even know who my dad is. Maybe I'll tell Daniel i don't want to hurt him though.”

    Today is the day I fly to LA. Daniel and I have texted a few times just saying “hi” and “how we have been” I haven't told him about my cancer thought when I get to LA I'm going to set up an appointment so I can start treatment.

    He leaves to move to LA in about a week, he decided to fully move out there when his dad got out of jail. He is looking for a better life you could say. He's very excited to move out to LA because he heard that Ellie is moving out there. They have become very close these past few days. He hopes they run into each other.

    Daniel told me he is moving to LA. He's kinda obsessed with me. It's pretty annoying I only see him as a friend he promised he didn't like me thought I mean I guess I believe him. I hope we don't run into each other. Like what if I'm at the hospital and he sees me. I mean I'm gonna have to tell him sooner than later.

    It's been about 3 months we have both moved and hung out a few times. It's been quite nice actually. We have both made awesome friend groups. I have told my best friend that I have cancer and she has been by my side this whole time. I've started to lose my hair so we decided to shave it tonight

“ hey it doesn't look that bad,” Gabbie said sarcastically

“ wow, thanks” I giggled.

“I'm gonna miss those giggles of your”

“Gabbie why do you always ruin the mood”

“I'm sorry I'm just gonna miss you so much”

“I know I'm gonna miss you too” Choking back my tears

We sat there a cried for a while talking about all of the memories we have made these past 3 months. 3 more to go and I'm… gone or sooner. I made a doctors appointment and he said it could be 2 weeks to a month. So I'm actually in the hospital right now fighting for my life.

    He decides to go over to Ellie’s and hang out with her for the day. Hopefully, he can get to know her a little better. He can tell Ellie is hiding something.

    Gabbie told me that Daniel is at my house she is staying there so she can come to visit me. I guess Daniel is gonna find out.

    He walks to Ellie's house and sees Gabbie car but not Ellie's maybe she is out getting groceries or something. He walks into Ellie's house and greets Gabbie

“Where is Ellie? Is she okay” daniel askes worried.

“Um well, Daniel… how about I take you to her?”

“Okay,” Daniel said

*texts between Ellie and Gabbie*

“Hey gabs”

“Hi Ellie”

“Daniel and I are on our way”

“Okay I've been dreading this moment”

“Why? You guys are just friends”

“Yah your right just friends”

“Bye love you”

“Love you too”

*text over*

    Daniel and Gabbie make there the way to the hospital safely. They walk to the lady at the front desk and ask

“what room is Ellie Besson in,”  Gabbie asked she forgot

“ 302 floors 3”

“Thank you,” Daniel and Gabbie said.

    He and Gabbie headed up to the allies floor both extremely anxious to see how she is doing. They made it to her room and walked in Gabbie already in tears.

“ hi beautiful” Daniel smiled

“ hi Dani”

“How long? Why didn't you tell me sooner”

“Dan-daniel i-i don't know. I-i'm so-sorry” Ellie said crying

“Daniel, I have a few hours.”

“What! Ellie why didn't you tell me sooner your my best friend”

“I don't know I guess I thought it would ruin our friendship”

“ it's okay, Gabbie get over here we're gonna pray and hope. That's all we have right now.’

Gabbie walks over to him and they sit there in pain especially Daniel. He loves Ellie so much and it's about to lose her. They have been sitting together for about an hour now and Ellie blood pressure stars rising

The doctors start running in

“Ellie you have about 15 minutes. I would suggest saying your goodbyes.” the doctor explained

“Ellie, thank you, thank you for my smile my happiness. Thank you for all the fun adventures we have made together. Thank you for the amazing group of friend you gave me. Thank you for making jokes with me at 5 in the morning when we both should be sleeping. Thank you for all the long walks on the beach and surfing. Thank you for everything. I love you so much, Ellie. Goodbye beautiful” Gabbie said crying

    Gabbie hugs Ellie and walks out of the room.

“ Ellie?”

“Yes Daniel”

“I know you have about 5 minutes but can't you see that I'm falling, falling for you. I'm in love with you Ellie Maple Besson. I have been since I first laid my eyes on you at the subway in Chicago. Five years I have been in love with you have not said anything. I love you, Ellie, I love you so much. You make me the happiest man alive”

“ Daniel i-i”

    Beep! You know that one sound you never want to hear. That one sound that could put anyone into deep depression easily? Well daniel heard that sound.

Ellie took her last breath before being able to finish her sentence. She was with her best friends thought. The happiest she could ever be.   

The author's comments:

This piece was very fun to write 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 4 2018 at 7:32 am
Hermione-Granger BRONZE, Bethel Park, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 198 comments
Wow. This was great! Just a suggestion, make sure you check for grammar errors before you submit things. There were a few in this piece, and at times they made it a little hard to understand the story line.