Two Different Souls | Teen Ink

Two Different Souls

October 15, 2018
By sunny-nk33 BRONZE, Flagstaff, Arizona
sunny-nk33 BRONZE, Flagstaff, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Take a deep breath “inhale” and now “exhale,” I’ve been running around in the corridors, right after I heard the news my parents spoke in their bedroom, "arranged marriage." Why me, why can't I be like those girls I hear in stories where they meet their true love, and then live happily ever after. Well, I’m not like those girls, I don’t want just a prince, I want my knight in shining armor. I run past the guards as quiet as possible, without a single noise, hiding from each column I come across. As I keep on running, I bump into something, no scratch that someone. IT WAS HIM! I get up again and hug him, I probably surprised him since he slowly puts his arms around me, but then quickly pulls me into another room. “ What are you doing here, aren’t you supposed to be in bed?” he asks, “ I… I wanted to see you” I answered, he takes off his helmet, and a smile is across his face. “ Funny that you came to see me when I’m always the one to search for you” he chuckles as I giggle. Until my parent's conversation comes across my mind, making my smile turn the opposite way, I feel a hand slowly grab my chin making my head look up. I see the love of my life looking concerned, “what's wrong?” he questions, as I let out a sigh, I didn’t know how to tell him, I don’t want to break his heart. I become anxious, I shed a tear and begin to cry convulsively. I looked at him in the eyes; his eyes were the color of chestnut brown, I have always studied his eyes whenever we would be alone together. I tried speaking but my lips wouldn’t open I couldn't find the right words, feeling guilty, more tears began pouring as it grew like a flood. He brought me closer and began rubbing my back; I finally became at ease this was something I adored from him, he would always be there for me when I need aid. “Please tell me what’s wrong” he spoke in the most soothing form, I gasped and spoke, “I’m getting married!” I said through more tears. I felt guilty because once I said the one word that terrified me, he immediately dropped his hands and looked as if he saw a ghost. “ To who?” he asked, “I don’t know, when I got up to go and tell my parents about the ideas I had for the upcoming festival, I was about to knock until I heard them talking about me. They said that they were going to arrange a marriage for me with this prince in another kingdom. I don’t even know who this guy is! I’m scared.” I replied to him; he sighed while ruffling his hair, my tears stained around my cheeks, and all I could do was stare at him, by the looks of it, it seemed as if he were in deep thought, I wouldn't blame him I was worried too. A small gasp came out of him, he looked at me, and a smile was brought up onto his face. He grabbed both of my hands, pulled me closer, leaned into my ears where I could feel his warm breath by my neck, bringing a blush across my face. “Run away with me” he whispered, coming back to reality I pulled back quickly, “what!” I asked in unbelief. “I know that’s probably not even a great idea; I don't know why I thought of it.” he quickly said while scratching the back of his neck. “No!’’ I shouted quickly bringing both of my hands over my lips remembering that were alone in a room at night where anyone might catch us. “I mean I want to do it, I want to marry you, have kids with you, live a normal life with you, and be with you for the rest of my life!” I immediately said, just realizing what I said to him made my whole face look like a red love-apple. He looked at me as if I were some crazy lunatic asking for his hand in marriage, oh wait I am! As soon as I was about to apologize, he quickly brought me into a kiss, bringing me by surprise, but also bringing me into a process where I could faint easily. We then pulled apart from our special kiss, “You want to run away with me?” he asked, “yes!” I quickly said, he chuckled at my actions, as I didn’t notice that I seemed to be enamored. “ Then let us run away and begin building our lives” he happily said, “wait!” I quickly asked, “what would my parents do if they find out I'm missing, I don’t want them to take me away from you, or worse get you into deep trouble,” I said to him very concerned that if we did run away, they might think of him as a criminal. Oh, why couldn’t I’ve been born as a normal child than royalty, then we would both be together by now “Don’t worry you leave that part to me,” he said as he winked at me, I rolled my eyes, him and his heroic acts. We began running as quiet as possible through the halls until we made it outside the castle doors, he wrapped a large old cloth around me so I could be unidentified, we made it as fast as we could to the stables. As he got up and was about to pull me up as well, we heard a scream from inside. “THE PRINCESS IS MISSING!” that’s when we began hearing the clattering of knights running into the castle to investigate the scene. My knight in shining armor quickly brought me up to his horse, as we began riding out of the view. Goodbye marriage, goodbye mom and dad, goodbye royalty, and good morning my love.

The author's comments:

This is a story about two opposite beings who love each other. I am a sucker for romance and writing this short story was cute. I was and still am a fan of Disney, so I hae watched princess movies, but to me I have never thought of a princess and a prince falling inlove, I believe it better with a princess loving a knight of her own kingdom.

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