4 years later | Teen Ink

4 years later

December 19, 2018
By samm_pullen BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
samm_pullen BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I grip the crumbles picture,

so small and blurry in my right hand

I can see the long blonde hair that covered his forest green eyes.

Beside him, a short brunette with chocolate eyes smiling up at him for one last time.

He was going away to a foreign land, wishing that she wouldn’t stay behind.

The girl gripped the photo with unshed tears, waving goodbye to the shaggy blonde boy as the smell of hot coal ripped through the sky.

Year passed and she stared longingly at the photo each day.

As the day rolled slowly by, she smelled the familiar scent of hot coal flooding her nose, knowing the shaggy blonde would be here shortly.

Finally, looking up from the photo, the girl with brown hair was greeted with the short blonde hair that use to cover familiar green eyes.

The author's comments:

parents before my dad got deployed to germany 

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