Remember Me, Remember Me Not | Teen Ink

Remember Me, Remember Me Not

April 9, 2019
By jwf617 BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
jwf617 BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Remember me not as the old apple tree that stood gloomily in the yard

But by the crisp spring apples, which my mother made into pies

Remember me not as the rusty old bicycle

In the shed, but as the training wheels

That helped you learn to ride

And be free.

Remember me not by what I said and did

When I was mad

Remember me as a loving father, husband, and by

The kids we had

Although I am gone, never forget

Every victory we had, not our regrets

And please do not remember me not by the dirty

Clothes I wore

Remember me, my love, forever more.

The author's comments:

A man wishes to instill remembrance in the mind of his lover, as he can no longer be with her.

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