The One That Got Away | Teen Ink

The One That Got Away

May 15, 2019
By Anonymous

The day was just like any other, as I was still asleep and unwilling to wake up. Repeat, I was still asleep and unwill….. for crying out loud, it was barely 8 o'clock in the morning, and my eyes were wide open. "Why must my body keep me from drifting off to dreamland", I thought as I forced my eyelids shut. Yet, I felt nothing, for my eyelids were fighting against me, as I experienced an external struggle full of nothingness, for the outside viewer would just see a guy squirming around awkwardly on a bed, like a toddler. So I gave in and woke up.

If I knew that my life would come down to waking up early in the morning, I would've considered my fate a lie. Tragically, this was no lie, for I felt the grave pain of the sun’s morning rays in my eyes. Although I hated the experience, I knew the whining had to stop, for the easy part of my task was done, and now I had to do stand up! Which is harder than one would expect, especially when partnered with a person of my caliber. So I proceeded to try, yet my burning laziness was telling me otherwise, advising me to "go with the flow", and to “let things happen as they should”. The inner thoughts of a stoner, fighting with my will of a warrior, as a decision had to be made. Yet one was much stronger, so I once again gave in, and stood still in the bed, experiencing that sudden moment of bliss, as I started to doze off once again. A smile appearing on my face, while I failed the mission, but was glad to venture back to dreamland.

Sadly, all beautiful things must come to an end, as I suddenly heard multiple loud slams coming from the entrance door, causing my moment of bliss to be ripped away from my grasp. My animalistic instincts telling me to curl myself into a ball, as to protect myself from the outside world. Yet my plan worked to no avail, as the banging continued to become louder, “bang” “bang” “Bang” “BANG!”. My wits leaving my body, while I prepared myself for the worst. But the noise suddenly stopped, or at least I thought, for I heard one final slam, and the door swung open. My luck worsening, as the introduction of footsteps sent shivers up and down my spine. The steps fading in and out, while the scourging intruder could be heard from multiple directions, like a surround sound system. Ironically, this was not time for jokes, since a present danger was near, and the footsteps peered ever closer. With my hands on my head, I bolted from upon my bed, and braced myself for whatever would happen next. The rooms’ door handle twisting and turning, as it began to crack open.  As I prepared my body, the intruder revealed herself to be something out of a dream, a goddess almost. Time slowing down as we met eyes, my heart throbbing like crazy, as I heard a “Get the f*ck down!” My sudden moment immobilization of due to her stunning beauty, making her uneasy, since I was unfaced by any of the threats. The awkward moment continuing as silence filled the room for a couple seconds. My gawking sending present fear into her soul, as her face expressed great terror.

The fear causing her to book it, even though I was suppose to be the victim. Luckily, while scurrying away, my Cinderella dropped her gun, which was just like the glass slipper in the original story. The sudden emergence of sirens causing great commotion between the two of us, as we were unsure of our fates. With little to no thought, I told her to escape through the back door as I distracted the cop, and explained the event as a simple misunderstanding. I ran outside like a hero, in my boxers, as I stood strong and proud. The police cruiser stopping at the sight of the incident, as they immediately began to question me. My smug excuse being that, “I forgot my keys….. so I had to break into my own house” The policeman glancing at one another, as one of them asked, “Are you on the some medication sir?” Which the other brushed off, as he exclaimed to had been in a similar situation. The only request the officers asked of me was to show them proof of house ownership, which I was able to provide. The commotion coming to a close, as they considered questioning further, but gave up, probably because I looked like a complete weirdo. The commanding officer advising me to stay off the drugs and alcohol, as the two departed.

The departure of the cops, marked the start of my quest for the search of love. Although I didn’t know her name, I could keep calling her Cinderella, until the day we meet once again, and I return to her the glycening object that would unite us, the gun.

The author's comments:

Hello, my name is Jose Carreno and I've written a piece about a dumb romantic, who acts like a total buffoon, while on his search for love. The piece isn't really inspired by many things, although one could derive drawbacks from some of James Franco's movies, like Pineapple Express. Although my piece might not reach the standard for publication, I appreciate that you've taken some time to read it.

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