The day we met | Teen Ink

The day we met

July 3, 2019
By ThoughtfulGirl BRONZE, Bucharest, Other
ThoughtfulGirl BRONZE, Bucharest, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

No one could possibly know how you and me met. We might have met at a ball or in the park, at work or in the bus. I simply know that it affected us, the moment we saw each other.

 I was a shy teenage girl looking for attention, walking home from school. Every day on the same road. I had long curly hair and my lips were red because it was the first of june, the last day of school. While walking home I saw you standing on a bench . Your blue eyes were filled with tears. I could have offered you a tissue and keep going but I could not. So I came on the bench. I asked you why you were crying and since that day it was all different. For me there was only after, but I had to find out that for you... there still existed a before.

All those hours we spent walking the streets by night, your arms around my waist and your soft lips touching mine. The long afternoons at Juliette's and the long talks...I miss them all. But what do I miss more? Our talks about the stars.

The way I used to fall asleep thinking that people are like stars. They appear, they shine,and then they disappear. Even though you can not see them shine you know they are there just like people that love you and will always have your back.  And by mistake, I thought did.

You were my shooting star, but eventually I learned to let you go.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece to express my feelings. Writing helped me so much and I hope that this small piece that I wrote from the bottom of my heart  has a chance to open your heart. Because after we do that, everything is different. In a goodd way.

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