My Sweet Dream | Teen Ink

My Sweet Dream

December 17, 2019
By Anonymous

I'm dreaming. So it seems. You smile at me in my dream. You take my hand smiling and laughing. Your laughter sounds like church bells, it rings through my entire body causing my heart to beat louder than the drum. You pull me through the flower field of my memories. You are in my memories. Happy, laughing, caring and doing things hat you love most. Everything is brighter in these memories, more radiant than any other. Because of you, those memories are so full of life,shining  ever so radiantly. Through the river of sadness we pass by, there I see myself cry on those quiet and lonely nights alone after realizing you my best friend, my everything has found someone else. I don't want to look at these painful memories, these painful reminders that I'm not yours. Then we reach a gate. There a crystal lake so clear that I can see the milky white moon reflecting on the surface of the water. I white lilies and red roses are every where. White butterflies and fireflies dance across the surface of the water and all through the trees. Like a scene from a movie, it's breath taking and beautiful. I look at the gate. A pure gold color, white and silver carvings on it. In shimmering silver letters on the arc of the gate it says, " The gateway of new beginnings". You pull me close, no longer smiling and you whisper those words. Those sacred words I've always wanted to hear from your lips. Before I can stop then my tears overflow, the tears of sadness and anger, the tears of love and joy.   " I love you", you whisper over and over like a sing just for me. You hold me until my tears reside. " I love you", you whisper one more time. You gently bring my face to yours and gently press your lips to mine. " I love you too",I whisper " I always have". I know I'm dreaming and I don't care. Here in your arms is where I want to be. I know I'm dreaming but just in case, if I am dreaming may I never wake, if I'm a wake may I never sleep.

The author's comments:

I dedicate this to my Best Friend, I love you

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