Life of a Teenage GIrl | Teen Ink

Life of a Teenage GIrl

March 3, 2020
By Anonymous

Once upon of time, There was a girl named Sanei, She was a very rude and nasty girl, Until one day she saw the prince, They were flirting and got to know each other, She lied about who she was and a lot more, They’d go on dates, One time Miah went over there Miah said hi i’m……..Sanei cut Miah off and said “Sanei her Name is Sanei ” After that prince said “ it’s finally nice to meet a friend of Miah’s , Miah ran sobbing in tears, Because sanei knew that Miah liked the prince , Sanei ran after her and said thanks for not blowing my cover, All Miah could do is cry, Miah left, Sanei felt guilty and told the prince she’d call him later that night, but she never did , She cut off all contact with the prince , And tried to talk with Miah , But Miah wasn’t having it , One day Sanei showed up at Miah’s house Miah said “Your selfish self really have some nerve coming here” BOOM!!! Shuts the door,  The real Miah and Prince met , And they got to know each other well enough they start dating, Sanei was always jealous of Miah but this time she wasn't she was happy for Miah, One day Miah discovered that she was pregnant, So Miah and the prince got married and soon after they became King and Queen , Then 9 months later there baby girl was born her name was Abigail and she grow up to become a princess and Lived happily ever after.

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