The Affair | Teen Ink

The Affair

May 16, 2020
By asoto246 BRONZE, Canutillo, Texas
asoto246 BRONZE, Canutillo, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the year 1960.  Roos Sanders was married to Jeffery Sanders. They lived in a higher-income neighborhood. Jeff was at an all time high in his tax company business. Business was booming, everyone was rushing to get their taxes filled because it was tax season. Roos like many women this time didnt have to work. She spent her days shopping and going out to lunch with friends. This couple is a classic example of a picture perfect life, from the cars and the house to the marriage. Or so many thought. Jeff was a very busy man especially  between the months of January through April. After all, he was the owner of the town’s only tax filing business. Roos didn’t mind though she was given money every week to go shopping and do other stuff to occupy her time so her husband and his whereabouts were the least of her concerns. That’s what worked for the two. To everyone else in the town they had the ideal life, they had a big house, nice cars and they both looked so in love. In all reality though what nobody knew was that was a tainted life. The only reason they had the life they had was because Jeff was a scammer. He would do peoples taxes and would tell them they will get less then what they were supposed to receive and pocket the remaining balance. All the while Roos knew about this and didn’t say a word. After all, why would she ? She wasn’t gonna risk her extravagant life. She also was not perfect and had secrets as well. She was having an affair with a married man, he was also a rich man as well. The affair has been going on for a little over a year. The man's named  Richard. The two had fallen in love with each other but under no circumstances could they reveal their relationship. Not because their spouses didn’t know. The two marriages were over way before the affair started. Roos hardly ever saw Jeff. He was never home due to long nights at the office. And Richard always had to go on random business trips.  Roos was always very secretive of herself so over time Jeff just assumed there was another man. He was okay with that though, after all he stopped loving Roos years before he just stayed with her to obtain his perfect image. After all he was rich, his money was most important to him. If Jeff was to leave Roos he would be known around town as an evil man. In the eyes of the world Jeff was Roos’s fairy tail ending her Knight in Shining armour. Roos on the other hand was in love with Richard. She spent nights on end laying in bed with Richard talking about how she’ll finally escape Jeff. Richard promised once he finally gets the courage to tell his wife he has been doing more than just going on business trips, He will finally give Roos the life she deserves. They will run away and change their names and identities and live a whole new life away from the corruptness of their sins. Richard had to make sure he was careful because if not his wife could make his life a nightmare. She’ll sue him for all he’s got and take him to court for alimony and suck him dry of his money out of spite.

The author's comments:

I wrote it during creative writing by using a name generator.

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