Lust or love? | Teen Ink

Lust or love?

July 30, 2020
By bridgetomelty BRONZE, Werribee, Other
bridgetomelty BRONZE, Werribee, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My gaze could not help itself, she was a magnet. I felt like I was slowly drowning. Her eyes a deep pool of depth, glistening emeralds lay at the bottom and I was sinking down there. I studied her for a while but not long enough. I could watch her forever. Wild strands of hair flew in front of her face, laying into her perfectly structured cheekbones. A hundred devilish thoughts strode through my naughty head. The things I could do to her, god I craved the taste of her lips so bad. I guessed what flavor, sweet strawberry or vanilla scones. A beam of the yellowing sun lit up her gorgeous skin, it glowed and her eyes renewed the greening minty gleam it hid in the dark. I examined every curve on her body, picturing what hid under her clothes that hugged her body so nicely.
I felt his eyes on my face, my body, I felt tingles, excitement. I peeked behind my back, catching his icy blue eyes, they stared into me, past me. A grin formed across his face, sexy, sneaky. His jaw could cut me to shreds, the sun lit up the drop of sweat that fell from his forehead. He was damp, and I wanted to make him wet. His body structure sculptured by the Greek god himself, my mind could not stop itself from creating steamy scenes I could make with him. His testosterone hit me, it drove me crazy. I bent low, letting my body take over, giving him a taste of how I moved. He bit his lip, a dimple appeared on his left cheek, I wanted to make him smile so I could see it again. Turning around, rubbing my hands against my smooth thighs, hinting a dirty thought in his head. I latched my fingers around his collar and pulled him closer.
Her lips were just centimeters away from mine, I leant in, selfish for more, she teased me a little longer, her warm breath swept up my neck, leaving me wanting more, she slowly walked away, asking for me to stare at the soft dress that fitted right around her. The further I went from him, the closer I wanted to get. Knowing he would follow me like a dog, I pulled his leash, leading him inside. The music got louder, I made my way up the spiraling stairs, my dark thick hair brushing against my back. He caught up faster than I expected. He swiftly grabbed my waist, his hands fit perfectly around me, a whiff of cologne clogged my airways. I felt weak to my knees, I begged to feel his touch, but the game was not over.
Right as I thought she’d give up, she left my grip and continued up the stairs, not even speaking a word to me, something about her thrilled me. She left me lost and asking for more, I wanted to figure her out, I wanted to taste her, to know her. I felt vulnerable but thirsty, I couldn’t let her slip away from me again. A smile stunned me, his footsteps trailed after mine. Crashing into the first bed I could see, it was warm but not hot enough, I waited patiently for him. Only a line of fairy lights were the source of light, it was dark, warm. At first I could only see a bed of white sheets, until I saw her, my feet lead their way closer to her, they drove me to her, uncontrollably.

The author's comments:

I write short stories and poems. This one is an uncompleted story, but if you like it I can publish the rest!

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