The Reminder | Teen Ink

The Reminder

October 23, 2010
By bleachigo BRONZE, Hollsopple, Pennsylvania
bleachigo BRONZE, Hollsopple, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Amanda Faye rested alone upon her white porch swing. It slowly swayed back and forth in the warm summer breeze. Her dark blonde hair draped over her left shoulder and a small tear eased from her blue eye. She remembered how happy she once was, but now, she had nothing to live for.

She reminisced about her 18th birthday, which had been only seven years ago from this day. She thought about that little blue book encased in a pink bow he had handed her. Liam kissed her before placing it in her hands.

“It’s a journal,” he explained, “so you can write about all of the adventures we will have in the future.”

She now held the light blue book in her hand, tracing over the golden letters on the cover which spelled out “Amanda” with her finger. She let out more tears which fell from her cheeks onto her journal. “Why?” passed through her mind again. Everyday she would ask herself why God took Liam instead of her.

She looked up to her garden and saw the small patch of multi-colored zinnias. Liam had planted them for her when they moved into that house. On their first date he had picked Amanda one, and they have been her favorite flowers ever since. She could remember how she blushed as he handed it to her.

Now she only had those memories. She sighed and looked back down to the journal. She hadn’t opened it since Liam’s death, which was already a year ago. She slowly lifted the pages and read through her days with Liam. She came to her last entry, which she had written the day before the car wreck. She couldn’t hold her tears in any longer. Her eyes blurred up and she could no longer make out the words. Then she noticed something pink fall out of one of the last pages. She flipped to it and saw the zinnia from her first date with Liam taped to the page. On the following page was a letter which read:

Dear Amanda,

Since the first time I saw you I knew I wanted to be with you forever. Your smile makes my life worth living. Never quit blessing people with your beautiful smiles. I look forward seeing it every morning, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. No matter what I will always love you.



Then in small, cursive letters at the bottom right corner of the page were the words, “Thank you for making each day an adventure.”

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This article has 1 comment.

hisprincess said...
on Oct. 29 2010 at 12:39 pm
this was amazing!!! im tearing up right now. wow....this is soo sweet(: