Dreaming On | Teen Ink

Dreaming On

December 5, 2010
By gleekhonduran BRONZE, Miami, Florida
gleekhonduran BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The show has begun. The noise of claps is heard everywhere. It’s just like a soccer game where the fans are going crazy all time, but instead of goal, there is a performance and instead of a penalty there is a bigger performance yet.

Suddenly, lights go off, audience is dead silent. A single spotlight goes on. Something needs to be there, but it wasn’t. Before you notice, I appear, out of nowhere. I begin my performance. The Audience mouths are as big as a black hole when I finish.

The show continues as it was planned before and it goes on with perfection until its end. One of the most critical moments has come, bowing. The moment when you determine how well or bad you did; the moment that I need to encounter so I know if I’m going to be a star.

As I go in front of the stage, everything around me begins to fade. The people, the stage, even me! How this beautiful dream has become into a horrible nightmare?!

“RING RING!!`,” A noise buzzed.

I pressed the snooze button, and again, enter reality; my mind realizes what just happened. It was the dream. The one I always have since last year in May. It has to be a sign, can’t it be? Yes, it needs to be, my doubtful head said. I can’t have a boring life in the future, or else I’ll kill myself. I have to be a star, I HAVE to! Kailey calm down please!

I look at my clock, 1pm, 7 hours for Showtime. Maybe some beauty sleep can help my nerves a little. As I lay my pouncing head into my pillow, I wait for the usual dream to show up. But instead, something even more familiar came to my head.

One month earlier………
It was a normal day in Wood cross, Utah. Population: 6,419. Public High Schools: 1. Trucks where making their usual clatter and cab drivers where swearing just like the truck drivers. The smell of sweat is in the air. Just another perfectly horrible day in Wood Cross, Utah.
School sucks really badly, especially P.E. Living in a sports obsessed town is not that great. It’s like being the piece that doesn’t fit in the puzzle, a mistake. Like I said, someday I’ll be famous, but for now, I’m stuck in a place full with homophobic, racist morons.
As I walked into the dull hallways of the place, only one thing caught my eye. Was it a miracle? Is the Apocalypse coming early? I read:
“Help our school arts program and join our local production of Wicked! Auditions will start today at 3 pm.”
The star in my head is getting brighter and brighter as I read every word of this unbelievable paper. Finally, Kailey Williams (I know my name is ugly but I’ll later change it to Barbara but that is a different story) is going to be a star, finally, the center of attention.
“You’re going to audition for Elphaba right Kay?” a mysterious voice questioned.
“Umm yeah, how did you know?” I said in a shy voice.
“I still know you pretty well beautiful, by the way your perfume smells wonderful today” he said with a wink.
That voice made me cringe inside. Christopher Johnson; former best friend and singing partner, said those words as left. I haven’t talked to him since summer since he told me loved me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t feel the same thing too, but we are in our senior year, and he know as well as me that I don’t need any reasons to stay here. He’s still the only reason I can resist living here in the first place.
My body and soul barely made it through P.E. today. As I changed back into my clothes and walked peacefully to my locker. Suddenly, something made me turn back.
“Hey you Twinkie!” a mammoth shouted.
Well, it wasn’t exactly a mammoth who yelled, but still, she looks like one. It was Naira, school bully, most popular girl and one of the best athletes in town. But just like her name, her mind is messed up too. But why did she bug me so much? Was it my hatred to sports? Did my home made perfume smell badly? No, it can’t be, it smells lovely. Oh yeah, I forgot, she likes Chris a lot. That’s another reason I stopped talking to him, or else my life would be a bigger living h*** than Britney Spears’.
I responded “Now what Naira?”
“I heard that you are going to be in Wicked! You know what? You better take good care of your stupid musical because it’s going down!” she bellowed and left.
“Whatever” I said indifferently.
“Are you sure she it’s not going to anything about this? She sounded pretty serious” a girl in the corner asked.
In that same moment, my heart stopped. What I’m going to do God? Was I going to surrender to an animal like Naira? This is my only chance to shine! Think Kailey, what would Oprah do?
“Calm down and don’t let someone control my life” I said in relief, “Thanks Oprah”.
I could have told you the whole story of how the auditions went, but I don’t want to bore you so here is the recap. Yes, I obviously got the lead. But guessed who got to play my love interest? No, it’s not Tom Cruise. Yes, Chris, that’s not a shocker at all. But the one thing that surprised me that Naira got into the play as an extra, that’s the part that worries me the most.
Weeks passed as I suffered from multiple slushy facials, gross rumors and “kick me” signs. You may think that I feel devastated about that, but I’m not. The reason? Chris. I had spent all of my time with him since auditions. His face is even more sweet and handsome; the sensation to be back with him feels like a hole in my chest was repaired, like we never had that argument before. We have become closer and powerful than ever. Nobody can divide us, not even Naira, (she broke her leg during practices).
“RING RING!!” A noise buzzed.
As I pressed the snooze button and get out of my bed, I look at the time: 4pm, 4 hours for Showtime. I excitedly go to my bathroom to get ready for the show. Putting green makeup on your skin is a hard task! With a stomach full of butterflies and a mind full of doubt and yet at the same time so full of hope, I enter the theater. I pass by the dressing rooms when suddenly a huge cloud of blue covered my face and ruined my makeup.
“That is what you get looser!” Naira said with an evil laugh when she left with her crutches, like an evil sorceress.
Tears start to flow into my eyes and then face. I collapsed on the floor. Was I reaching my boiling point at last? How can this be? I sobbed as heavily as an angry volcano.
“Don’t cry beautiful” he said when he entered, wiping my tears softly. “Please Kay don’t give up. You are so close to reaching it. I know you can do it. You are better than that”
“But my makeup and clothes are ruined and the show starts like in 20 minutes...” I said
“There is nothing a little bit of blush can’t solve” he said hopefully
Showtime has started

The show has begun. The noise of claps is heard everywhere. It’s just like a soccer game where the fans are going crazy all time, but instead of goal, there is a performance and instead of a penalty there is a bigger performance yet.
I nervously wait for my turn to join the stage beside Chris. As panicked as I was, I said:
“What if they don’t like me?”
“They’ll do, you are wonderful Kaylie; unique in your kind, there not a thing that I would change about you”….
Spotlights On
I couldn’t hear what he was going to say next….

Suddenly, lights go off, audience is dead silent. A single spotlight goes on. Something needs to be there, but it wasn’t. Before you notice, I appear, out of nowhere. I begin my performance. The Audience mouths are as big as a black hole when I finish.
The show continues as it was planned before and it goes on with perfection until its end. One of the most critical moments has come, bowing. The moment when you determine how well or bad you did; the moment that I need to encounter so I know if I’m going to be a star.
Hey wait a freaking second?! This looks pretty familiar to me. The audience, the stage everything! Am I’m dreaming again?! No, it can’t be; this only means one thing: the dream was really a sign. But how it’s going to end?
As I go in front of the stage, I wait to everything to fade, but it doesn’t. As I took the best bow I could do, my ears suddenly grow death by the amount of applause I receive. My heart fills with excitement and joy as I realize my fate.
As the curtain closes I can’t stop myself from running towards Chris with my arms wide open like a child in Christmas. Which makes me think, now that I’m destined for stardom can we be more than friends at all? Suddenly I saw a strange object in his hand, a ring.

This can't be happening.

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