Our Love is Forever a Fight | Teen Ink

Our Love is Forever a Fight

January 22, 2011
By Anonymous

Go on. Do it.Hit me. You know you want to. I can see it in your eyes.
Give me a black eye. Break my nose. Fracture my ribs.
Nothing wouldn't hurt as bad as the words that flew out your mouth.
And what hurts more is that I know you meant it. Every word.

How did we even get to this?
We were living together so peacefully and perfectly.
Then it all burnt to the ground.

So now we are burnt with our hatred with each other.
That's why we're here.
We say things stupidly without knowing how its going to affect us later.

That's why we are here. Right now at this moment.
You pull your fist back, ready for a shot at me. Your eyes still glistened with anger.
I flinch at the sound of your fist hitting dry wall, plaster floating to the ground.

And that's the moment I realise that you weren't truly angry. I was.
You fall to your knees, crying. I bend down and I hug you tightly, saying we have to stop fighting.
We need peace.
But we all its going to keep on going forever.
Friends now, but enemies later...

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