Sensation | Teen Ink


April 7, 2011
By MissyCastle BRONZE, Poulsbo, Washington
MissyCastle BRONZE, Poulsbo, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Here's to you and here's to me best friends we'll always be. And if by chance we disagree hell to you and here's to me.

The sky grew dark as the sun fell behind the earth. The stars grew bright as we lay in the dirty truck bed with a blanket under us. The cold May evening had the feeling of burning ice it was so cold. It was a late Friday evening after a long school day.
The wind started to pick up, a lightning bolt shiver shot through me, creating my body to rumble like thunder. His arms pulled me closer to his torso. His touch was like someone stuck my soul in a warm bath. I wanted to stay. I didn’t want to leave this perfect little place.
I placed my head right above his heart, wrapping my arms around his body; I could hear thumping under his brown jean jacket that he put on before we left his house. It sounded as if his heart was playing a snare solo that created a beautiful quarter note rhythm.
I closed my eyes as his grip tightened around my body. His touch was soft and warm; his rigid body entrapped me in its hold. I kept my eyes closed as his arms slowly loosened, revealing an exit but I did not want to escape. I wanted to be caught in a trap, making it impossible for this to end.
The wind pushed itself through the trees surrounding us, creating a low howl in the air around us, almost as if we had a pack of coyotes surrounding the truck. His grip tightened even tighter than the last time as I tried to hold back a shiver.
I felt his body loosen. I couldn’t hear a thing over the sound of the howling coyotes running over the skies and through the trees past our bodies and dissipating into the trees beyond. I felt his chest vibrate as if he was saying something, but I did not want to listen. I tightened my grip around his body as he did with mine. My hold must have felt like a puppy’s. Trying to hold onto my toy with all the power I had. My small puppy strength did not have much against his body, but it loosened and relaxed to pull me back into my warm bath.
I felt his upper body move up and down repeatedly as if he was laughing. It was like he was adding eighth notes to his quarter note solo, making it seem like it was engulfing me in its sound.
I was no longer cold; it was as if that burning ice became an encaged firebomb in my body. The bed of the truck became a land which smelt of old spice and evergreen; where I was entrapped by rigid body of this man. The coyotes that wrapped themselves in the wind ran past my ears, while the cold touch of their bodies slid past the small hairs on my arms, creating every hair on my body stand up erect. The moon painted the sky with its light creating a deep blue picture in the sky. As it touched the earth, it was like it only touched the bed of the truck; like it was only showing light on the two souls.

The author's comments:
This piece was created from a dream I had about the one I am with right now. The feeling I had in this dream created something I have never felt before and I believe others should have the chance to feel it as well.

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