I Love You | Teen Ink

I Love You

November 6, 2011
By Anonymous

It was midnight in a small, humble neighborhood. All the windows in the houses were dark except for one. It was a modest house on the smaller side with a one-car garage but a nice yard. It's windows shone with light as angry voices could be heard coming from inside.
The yells went on until a girl ran out of the house. Her straight, blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail; tears rolling off her cheeks. She jumped into a small red truck and was gone within a few seconds. The house's lights finally went off.
About an hour later, a large, black truck pulled into the house's driveway. It sat there before turning off and a guy stepped out of it and walked up to the house. He was too young to be a man, but to old to be a boy, in his late teens. Before the guy could reach the house a boy ran up to him and told him briskly: "She got in a fight with mom and dad again and left. She told me to tell you that she would be at the beach." The guy said his thanks to the boy and drove to the beach.
After he parked his car he quickly got out and walked over the dunes. A half mile of sand glittered flat without dunes where the creek ran into the ocean. The water shone blue while the sand shone silver in the full moon light. At high tide, most of the beach would have been under water. But, it was low tide so the guy quickly scanned the beach for the girl. He saw her, standing right at the edge of the water, where the creek met the ocean. He ran to her.
She had taken her hair out of the pony tail so the wind blew it gently towards the ocean. He quickly embraced her in a hug and whispered, "You look beautiful." She hugged him back, not letting go until her tears began to stop. She looked up into his eyes and whispered, so quiet the ocean must have stopped to listen:
"I love you." He kissed her gently and whispered back,
"I love you too."

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