Perfect November Night | Teen Ink

Perfect November Night

December 11, 2012
By Anonymous

Perfect November Night

That was it
That was all we needed,
just sitting there locked in each other’s eyes,
to remember a night
a night neither one of us will ever forget.

Starting at dawn – ending at curfew
That is the only few
Our parents would allot.
A cool summer breeze and a cold drink;
The thin vial that kept us both from blushing.

Someone or something overwhelmed me,
Unable to speak or move my eyes
Locked on her precious face.
That alien being began to released its grasp
And I uttered those so simple,
So complex,
So impossible,

I still couldn’t blink
Or move.
So relaxed,
So calm.
yet so afraid.
It is amazing what words can do.

My biggest fear
Nearly inaudibly,
Those famous words
On that perfect autumn night.

And every time we sit there
Locked in each other’s eyes
We go back to that perfect autumn night.
All just to remember a sliver of time –
A night neither one of us will ever forget.

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