A Mother's Love | Teen Ink

A Mother's Love

February 25, 2013
By SGarliss BRONZE, Monkton, Maryland
SGarliss BRONZE, Monkton, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They walked to the door, hand it hand, hoping and wishing for something, anything to change for the better. People didn’t understand their love. They removed their entwined hands from each other as the door opened, a blond head sticking out. “It’s late.” The head said, glaring at the young girl. The head walked out, revealing her full body dressed in a fancy silk dress. “Mom,we were just talking!” The boy said to his mother. The boy’s mother did nothing but glare with hateful eyes. She turned and walked into the house, leaving behind the lovers to wait in sadness for their fate. The boy kissed the girl, leaving no room for the breath they both desperately needed. Feverishly in the moment, they did not here the sound of a door open and close and footsteps come near. Pulling away, the girl asked if he heard a sound. “Heard what?” he asked, not seeing the movement in the shadows behind his lover. The young girl’s eyes were shocked open as she felt a warm liquid oozing down her back, over her legs and onto the cold, hard ground. She gagged as it creeped up in throat, the metallic taste making her sick. The boy cried out, weeping for his lover. The girl fell to the ground in terrible pain, the sharp knife still embedded in her skin. The boy’s mother grinned, laughing maniacally at her only son. He fell to the ground, pulled out the knife from lifeless girl and put it to his heart. Looking up at his now terrified mother, he says “I'm sorry.” and stuck the metal through his skin, piercing his heart. Eyes closed, he falls on the girl and they both spend eternity together in a sleep, never to wake up.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this when I read Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" in my Freshmen year of High School

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