forgetting the green | Teen Ink

forgetting the green

March 21, 2013
By Anonymous

Have you ever been lost, or in love but didn’t realize it? What if you lost the most important person in your life and you took them for granted, but by the time your realized it you were too late? How would you feel?

I'm a sixteen year old girl who is lost, and can't find my way back home. It was a cold December night in Phoenix, Arizona. I ready to drive my beautiful black and blue quarter midget newly painted never been driven. I was in my usual group of friends and my best friend, Nathan, was being his usual self and trying to impress everyone. " Emmy!" my father screamed. He didn’t like me hanging out with them, but they were my friends and they were the only ones I've got. As I walked over to my dad covered in grease from head to toe cuts and scrapes I realized it was go time the big moment I've been waiting three and a half months for. The biggest race of the season and I was ready to take it all. As I was seating into my car I can feel the warm soft hands of Tommy as he winked and said good luck. Tommy was the person to beat the best of the best and might I add cutest of them all.

" Are you ready?" my dad said as he checked the air pressures.

" Ready as ill ever be." I've been racing for four years and no matter how many time I get in the car I always get butterflies, but this time it was worse. I felt sick like I couldn’t concentrate I don’t know if it's because it’s the biggest race or what but I'm hoping that it goes away. I could see Tommy's beautiful red and black car being pushed out. As my dad taps me on the head I flip on the switch. One lap till green and this feeling hasn’t gone away. The flagger pulls the green and were all off a billon thoughts going through my head. "Yellow, yellow, yellow." as the shouted through the race cevier. A car had spun out and hit another. Thank God it wasn’t me as I glance up at the tower five laps to go. I'm in second place I can do this. I just have to pass Tommy and it will be fine. I stomp on the throttle and I feel my car accelerate around the corner. Three laps to go and I fly by Tommy. I'm in the lead and to myself I count down the laps till checkered! I'm almost there one corner to go. My heart racing a thousand beats per minute and my brain thinking a million thoughts. Bang! it's over.

Two months later I woke up in the hospital. I can't remember a thing. There's brightly colored flowers all around the room and teddy bears. My mom is holding my hand and my dad sleeping in the chair.

"Oh my, your awake my beautiful baby girl! Your awake." my mother sobbed but I couldn’t remember anyone else but Nathan. I'm lost. The doctor came in my room and explained that I had been in a coma for two months and that the impact effected my heart and that I would need surgery and that I should be prepped immediately . When they were taking me into the cold dark operation room they I overheard them saying that the young boy who donated his heart was very healthy and the procedure should go well. Everything became foggy and I drifted into a deep sleep. When I awoke I asked who was the boy who gave me his heart and in that moment I felt like I could have died they said his name loud and clear but I just didn’t want to hear it. The person that I loved, the one who I would have done anything for was gone forever. The tears ran down my face and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. He had left me a note and a bunch of pictures he had kept in a box. Nathan, I saw his face and I just laid there hopeless. I remembered every memory of him. Every laugh, every fight, every stupid thing. I miss him. Why is it that I remembered him of all people. I closed my eyes and held the box of pictures against his heart, my heart and I dreamed.

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