I'm Comin Out! | Teen Ink

I'm Comin Out!

April 11, 2013
By tinajordahl BRONZE, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
tinajordahl BRONZE, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You all know the saying “good things come to those who wait”, right? Well, recently I’ve really been thinking about that in regards to my life and honestly, I think it’s a bunch of bullshit. I’m Penny. Thirty-three years old, no family, no husband, and I’ve been working as a banker at Chase for almost 18 years- no promotion might I add. All that I’ve done is wait around and hope that maybe one morning, something would change. Maybe one day I’ll be awakened by the kiss of my true love, or maybe I’d win the jackpot at the casino. I just needed something to relieve me of my loneliness and boredom.

Every Friday night after our shift, my fellow colleagues go out to Joe’s Bar for drinks and music- but not me. Rarely have I ever been asked to go, and I feel as if I’m invisible. So when I get home from work, all I do is pour myself a glass of wine and lay in bed. It’s an empty house; a quiet living space almost like it is completely uninhabited. I am tucked away in my own little shell and feel completely isolated. But this night, Friday July 7th, I was going out. I was going to show up at Joe’s Bar and attempt to enjoy myself the way I deserve. No more acting like a little Grandma for me, Penny’s comin’ out to play! But oh God….What do I wear?!

And so I went. Black chiffon blouse, red pumps, with a black and silver clutch in hand. I was on the prowl. Not necessarily for a man, not really looking to get white girl wasted either… Just looking to have fun, and relieve some of this pent up stress. At first I felt completely out of place. Like a fish out of water, or almost as if I was a foreigner in a brand new land. But this land is my life, and it was time I take control and conquer it. The bar was just like going into the wild. Men and women were chasing each other around like prey, and it was dimly lit. The low lighting made the harsh sound of the music and crowd come alive, making me feel intimidated as if surrounded by lions and tigers.
After spotting some old friends and taking in the atmosphere, I began to calm down. Maybe it was really from downing three martinis, but nonetheless, while sitting at the bar… I saw it. The most beautiful and perfect man I’d ever laid eyes on. He was a handsome, muscular and stylish brunette with a smile that could melt your heart. His eyes were a unique icy blue, and I couldn’t stop staring. He looked over at me and giggled, and that’s when I realized that I was probably creeping him out. So being the awkward girl I am, I turned my head as if I had never even noticed him. In that moment, I felt like the high school geek with a pointless crush on the varsity quarterback. But next thing I know, I'm passed another Skinnygirl Martini from the bartender. “Uhm, excuse me… I don’t remember ordering this.” I said to him confused. “I know you didn’t, he did.” he replied pointing in the direction of the man. I look to him again, but this time he was coming over towards me. He sat down next to me and introduced himself. “Hi, I'm Jack. Nice to meet you.” he said smoothly. That’s where it all started. I can never be sure if it was the new perfume I had on or my positive outlook that night… But in that moment, I felt like a bubbly, young 21 year old all over again. That night, I felt absolutely beautiful and confident. And that night, I fell madly in love for the first time.
I never would have guessed that going to Joe’s bar that Friday night could change my entire life, but I wouldn’t trade my husband Jack and our 2 kids for the world. Like I said before, I'm not much of a believer in waiting for things to happen. And luck is much too questionable as well. But what I came to realize is that nothing really comes that easy. For me, I had to take initiative, go out, and break through my comfort zone for things to change in my life. I do feel extremely lucky to be married to my dream man, as well as getting to share that love with my kids. But I really think my life turned around so fast because I was finally able to open up, and allow that change into my life. And while it differs for everyone, I see it more like “good things come to those who work for it.”

The author's comments:
I initially wrote this piece for my english class. The topic was meant to be "luck at the beach", but i deverted away from that and just continued to run with it.

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