Waiting | Teen Ink


May 12, 2013
By JosephB BRONZE, Shreveport, Louisiana
JosephB BRONZE, Shreveport, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I looked deep into your eyes I saw the souls you slaughtered and the red abyss of flesh you have soiled, the hatred you bred, and the lives you have crushed but as I drifted deeper and deeper into the blue ocean in your eyes I saw love and harmony, birds singing and flying, squirrels sleeping together, cheetahs cleaning zebras and love in its most pure form. I slowly faded into the twines of your deadly yet so beautiful gaze. I stopped. Gathered a breath and kissed your wet lips that shined in the sunlight. Your eyes opened in surprise then slowly closed ever so gently at the same rate as mine. Your hatred and love flowed through my veins as our love passed through our minds. Suddenly you seemed almost to of turned into pure wind as your head slipped through my hand, your body through my arms and your love was pulled from the confounds of my over-indulged soul. As I opened my eyes to see where you had gone the sunlight melted and the color of the world pooled in puddles with our love sinking with it. As I witnessed the world break around me, my heart bled from the heartbreak and your hate stayed in my soul, nibbling and sucking away its value. I fell on my knees, crying, bleeding from my mouth and nose. As everything became the sanguine void of darkness there still existed a small pinch of light on earth where color was busting from the seams of the norm. I gasped and tried prying it open with my hands. Still bleeding excessively I hurried to open its embrace of love, but I saw it thinning. I stopped with blood staining my colorless clothes. Then I shouted NO! NOT YET!, NOT HERE!, PLEASE ANYWHERE BUT HERE! Then suddenly my ears started to ring, my frame broke as my body was engulfed by the small sphere in the ground. I found my spirit form on a parchment of land with a giant oak tree on top. You were sitting there all along so happy, eating an apple and listening to the birds. I ran to you as fast as I could and tried hugging you and talking to you, but you shunned me. Then I suddenly realized that you could not see me, love me or care for me. So, I sat by you and when you moved the land surroundings changed, so I have followed in your vicinity, simply waiting for you to help me….whenever that happens….I will be here….forever by your wickedly lovely side.

The author's comments:
Complexity of relationships that are positive and negative and result in the deep feeling of loss.

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