The Ones You Love | Teen Ink

The Ones You Love

June 3, 2013
By Emily Chen BRONZE, Weston, Florida
Emily Chen BRONZE, Weston, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I watched as my father staggered across the kitchen. Shards of glass lay scattered on the floor, unpicked, as the result of another one of his sudden outbreaks. His head lay low, his feet dragged him through the doorway. He held a freshly opened bottle with both his hands wrapped around its neck. I watched from a safe distance, holding my left arm carefully and tight against me. I watched him leave, my heart racing, scared. Quickly, my eyes skimmed past the door. I could leave now. I knew my father well enough to know he'd keep himself hostage in his squalid room for hours, and only come out in some hours once his stomach began craving more trouble. I had time. I walked out to the porch, where the aged wood was already cracking down. I couldn't wait to leave.

In the distance, I watched the familiar boy's figure approach. His outlining showed years of pain and evidence of living in a dilapidated family. It donned a similar story to mine- a burden we both were ready to escape. He stopped at the house three from mine- far enough for my father not to see him from the window. I was scared. I was frightened to death. But I still did it. I took the bags I kept hidden under the decomposing wood, and I walked to him. Quickly. But I knew my father well enough to know he'd have fallen asleep by then. I skipped on my last steps towards the boy and he reached out his hand to grab mine and help take my belongings. My fathers succinct words still rang in my ears. "Don't you leave me. You stay with the ones you love, only the ones you love. That boy is nothing good for you."

As the car drove, I stared out the window, tears streaming down my face. I was driving myself towards an unprecedented journey in life I wasn't sure I was ready for. I felt as the familiar gentle hand protectively passed over my arm, where the blood was drying and the glass remnants struggled to escape or dig deeper. And as much as I was scared, fear replaced my ambiguity. I will never go back, I thought.

I knew what was coming if I was ever found. But I still did it. Because there was only one person I've ever loved. There was only one person who actually cared. "Stay with the ones you love, only the ones you love". And I knew well enough to follow my father's advice.

The author's comments:
Sometimes forbiddance may end up leading to the contrary.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 5 2013 at 9:39 pm
sleeplessdreamer PLATINUM, Raleigh, North Carolina
30 articles 0 photos 332 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have always wanted to write in such a way that people say, 'I have always thought that but never found the words for it.'" -anonymous

I liked your use of details at the beginning. It was a great way to capture the reader's attention, and I could feel it going somewhere. I feel like it needs more... Everything was well-written, aside from a few diction choices, but I feel like this could use more meat. Who is this boy? Why are you so connected? I think it's a testament that I was disappointed when I got to the end and there was nothing more! MORE MORE MORE!! haha. But seriously, keep writing, because the potential here is potent!  If you ever get a chance, pop by and check my stuff out!