Irresistible | Teen Ink


June 23, 2013
By Nicole035 BRONZE, Rock Island, Illinois
Nicole035 BRONZE, Rock Island, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The bell ending my lunch, rings and I make my way to my hall locker. I grab my book bag that has everything that I need and close my locker. I let out a yelp when I see Nick, the person I just love to hate, standing there.
"Hey beautiful," Nick greets already turning on the charm.
"Hey Nicky," I say cheerfully.
A scowl takes over Nick's face as I use a nickname for him.
"Oh, how I love that nickname," he says sarcastically.
"Good, its just for you babe," I smirk.
"Babe?" He questions grinning.
"Not like that," I deny.
He stands there grinning like the Joker and I turn and walk away annoyed.
"Aubrey, you should just give in," Nick teases walking behind me.
I ignore him and continue to weave through the sea of people in the hallway. Nick follows me into the school library and sits down at a table with me. I shoot daggers at him with my eyes, but unpack my homework anyway. This unfortunately happens to be both of our free periods. I could still hope that he would just go away.
"Come on, you aren't really going to do homework are you?" He asks as I start working.
"Yeah, I kind of am," I say not bothering looking up.
"We should have some fun," Nick suggests.
I abruptly stand up and head over to one of the book selves all the way in the back. Nick groans and follows me.
"You know you can't keep this up much longer," Nick comments while watching me.
"Keep what up?" I ask looking over titles, not giving him the chance to faze me.
"Resisting me," he says.
I finally look at him and roll my eyes.
"I don't want you," I say flatly.
He watches as I turn and walk down the next aisle. He follows me again and stands behind me. He bushes my long honey brown hair to one side, exposing my neck. No matter how hard I try to ignore the feeling, I can feel goosebumps rising on my skin.
"You don't want me?" He taunts.
I slip away from his touch and glare at him.
"Why are you here?" I ask completely changing the subject.
"I want you," Nick says brushing my question off.
"I want a pet elephant, but that doesn't mean I'm getting one," I say bending down to look at a book.
"You try so hard to ignore me and not like me, your feelings are just building up," he says confidently
"My feelings of hate," I tell him.
I start to feel tension filling the aisle and stand back up and go to the very last aisle of the library. The lights are horrible in the back so it is a little darker.

I find a book I want and reach up to get it, but I'm too short. The bookshelves are ridiculously tall so of course the book is out of reach. I try to stand on my tippy toes, but my fingers don't even skim the book. Nick stands behind me and reaches for the book. To my great dismay, I am fully aware of how his body is brushing mine. He pulls the book off of the self, but doesn't step away. I stare straight at the self, trying to keep calm and keep my feelings in check. A failed attempt because I can feel his breath on my neck, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. He drops the book on the ground and places his hands on my hips.

My body gets stiff and he turns me around so that I'm facing him. My heart is pounding in my chest. I look up at him and his intense look in his eyes holds me captive.
"Give in Aubrey," Nick coaxes.
I stare at him and don't say anything. Nick leans in to where our faces were almost touching, probably to see my reaction. My neutral expression doesn't falter even though on the inside I'm freaking out. We have a stare off and Nick's intense stare makes me even more nervous than I already am. I finally look away and he grins and leans away a little.
"Nervous?" He asks cockily.
I narrow my eyes at him, trying not to let him know how much he's affecting me, even though I expect my heart to tear through my chest. It's like he can see past the act because all he does is grin.
"Why would I be nervous?" I ask innocently.
He doesn't reply and instead slowly leans in and kisses me. I put my hands on his chest and push him away. The push is halfhearted because he barely even moves. When I just stand stiff Nick pulls away. He looks into my eyes and it's almost as if I could see the emotions flash through his eyes.
My body seems to make override my brain because I suddenly lean in and kiss him. It takes a second for him to respond, but he kisses me back and runs his hands over my sides. My hands go to his hair and I tug on it a little. He lowly groans and deepens the kiss. After a minute or two, I pull away.
"Not so resistant now, are you?" Nick jokes.
I groan and push him away. He laughs and grabs my arm, pulling me closer to him. He leans in and kisses me again and I don't hesitate before kissing him back. This time, mind and body in on it.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 28 2013 at 2:08 pm
Quartermaster PLATINUM, Los Angeles, California
21 articles 8 photos 28 comments

Favorite Quote:
"They tell us sir that we are weak. Unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when will we be stronger?"

I liked how you used a simple and believable dilemma - the girl can't reach the top shelf - to began to bring the characters together both physically (they touch) and emotionally ( [I try to] keep emotions in check...a failed attempt).  Subtle, effective, and creative.