Eternal Love | Teen Ink

Eternal Love

September 20, 2013
By Elizabeth123 BRONZE, DeKalb, Missouri
Elizabeth123 BRONZE, DeKalb, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Lifes A box of chocolates, you dont know what your gonna get.

It was a nice fall day, for it to be a Monday. It was a new year for Ski; he was going into the 2nd grade that year. He was a regular boy that thought it’s just another year of learning and he also thought girls had cooties as well. That day there was a new student her name was Lucy and she was a very pretty girl. Ski he didn’t think nothing of it he just thought, hey it’s just a new student. The time was passing and they were in this class were’ they were paired up. What they had to do was ask each other questions like, “what’s your favorite color or what you do for fun?” stuff like that. After they got done with that Ski asked her a personal question, he asked, “Why you so quiet?”
Lucy answered back quietly.. “I-I-I am shy,”
Ski answered back, “Well I’m going to change that, because you don’t have to be shy round me.” And she agreed and from that day forward they were like two peas in a pod.

A few years had passed and at some point Ski and Lucy still had that little kid in them, but they knew that they were in 6th grade that they were getting to be growing up. Besides the point Ski was growing quite fond of Lucy. I mean come they have been friends since 2nd grade. It was their last year of being an elementary student also to have recess. One day Ski and Lucy were outside at recess, and their friends asked them if they would play house with them They said, “Why not?” So while they were playing they decided Ski and Lucy were the mom and dad. One of their friends said, “Isn’t the mom and dad supposed to kiss?” and all Ski did was smile and shrug his shoulders, but Lucy had tons of things going through her head she thought it would ruin their friendship. So she said “no.” then she wasn’t ready to kiss someone, even her best friend. From that day they put that behind and went on with their year.

Ever since Lucy and Ski graduated from 6th grade they had grown up a little. They went through their 7th grade as great best friends. When Lucy had a volleyball game he would be there to cheer her on. When Ski had a football game, Lucy would be there to cheer him on as well. Everybody thought that they were dating, but they weren’t just best friends. Later on they both were in 8th grade their last year being a middle school student, it was just like yesterday they both were in 6th grade but now they’re in 8th. Ski couldn’t believe how grown up they become. He also realized that he never had a girlfriend. Deep down he told himself, “I think I beginning to like Lucy than more than my best friend.” He didn’t know when he was going to tell her because today was when they get out early for Christmas break. So he went off to lunch and thought about.
On the other side of this is Lucy had strong feelings for him too, but she doesn’t know how to tell him before school gets out for Christmas break. While they were eating lunch. Before they were done Ski asked Lucy if she would meet him at the double doors at the back of the school. Lucy agreed she would after the last bell rang. When the last bell rang for school to get out, they both met at the double doors. Ski said, “Lucy there’s something I’ve wanted to tell you for the longest time.”
She said, “Now what would that be?” (With a smile on her face.) Ski continued to talk. “Well I have known you for six years now, we practically know everything about each other at least, and what I’m trying to say is that I like you more than my best friend Lucy.”
Lucy replied, “Well Ski I’ve been trying to tell you that as well, you have been there for me, like no other person I can think of needless to say your all I ever wanted Ski.”
Ski is talking, “Lucy I have a question for you, will you be my girlfriend?”
All of a sudden Lucy looks up and says, “Look! We’re standing under mistletoe!”
Ski replies, “You know what they say about mistletoe.” (All of a sudden they lean in and they kiss each other.) Lucy talks and says, “Yes I’ll be your girlfriend.” After they got out of school Ski walked her home. They went through the year and had each other’s backs like they said they would do.

Now as the years past they were still together in 9th grade, Ski took Lucy to their homecoming dance. That’s the night Ski kissed Lucy right under the disco ball. That’s the night Lucy realized she was falling in love with him and he realized that too. The next year there were going to be in 10th grade. That’s when they were really concentrating on the future for school. That’s also when they were starting to fall apart because he was more concentrated on his studies. So was she; she had a hard time not being able to see him all the time like they used to. They also, were fighting all they time and Ski couldn’t bear it any longer. So at the end of the day, Ski had some news that he had to tell Lucy. When they, met in the park he said, “Lucy there’s something I need to tell you.”
She said “what would that be…”
he replied in return, “I think I’m going to break up with you…, I can’t stand us fighting like this, I want us to see other people and see how it goes, but you’ll always be my best friend though Lucy.”
Lucy started to whimper in reply, “well I never knew this would happen I just thought you would always understand when times like this came around.”
Ski started talking,” we can always try again you know, but not now...”
she said, “oh. Alright.” (Then she sadly walked away from him towards home.)

The next two years has passed and they both were in 12th grade. For some reason they both were like best friends again just like it was in 6th grade. They were sitting together at lunch seeming like nothing happened two years ago. When they went back to school, Ski realized he couldn’t be without Lucy. While they were walking down the hallway. Lucy said to herself. “I really miss him I really do...” he even walked her home just to be safe, it was like they were dating, but wasn’t. Before she entered her house Ski said Lucy I miss you, and I really need you back will you please go back out with me Lucy?”
In reply she said, “Yes! I will!!” (In excitement.) The next few months they fell in love with each other like never before. It was so real, it felt different, but in a good way. As soon Christmas break was over with, graduation was around the corner.
Soon Ski wanted to propose to Lucy, but he had an idea when, but he wanted to keep it a secret. The last two weeks of May were the busiest of them all. They had to figure the graduation parties, and everything. Ski and Lucy were going to have their graduation party together. So when the big day came for their graduation they were ready, but nervous. When they were done with the slide showoff them as children they got go give roses and flowers to people they really knew that were close like family. Ski told Lucy to meet him on the stage and she said. “Ok!” When she did he met her up there and bent down on one knee and asked her, “Lucy O’Neill will you please be my wife?” (While holding the ring.) She said in reply.” Yes! Yes! I’ll be your wife!” and everybody was watching and everybody started clapping. They will never ever forget that day, especially Lucy.

Ten years have passed; Ski and Lucy are happily married and also, have a family of two a boy and a girl. The kids are both 9 years old, the children are growing up very fast, it’s hard to believe it. In Lucy’s point of view, she wished that growing up would have slowed down. To at least enjoy a lot of it.

Another 10 years have passed and the two children, Jessica and Jeffery are 19 years old; and they already go to college. Ski and Lucy can’t believe that their living in the house alone now. They can’t believe that their two kids are already in college, while working on their career. At the same time their thinking we haven’t been this alone since high school, just being Ski and Lucy. Lucy is scared on how much they have grown up. It was just like yesterday, for the first time she was walking into that 2nd grade room, scared out of her mind! She has so many memories with Ski that she’ll never forget. On the other hand, Ski couldn’t believe they have grown up to be such great adults. He’s just happy that he gets to spend the rest of his life with the woman he loves dearly. He just hopes he doesn’t lose her; he also wants the years to go slow, and not go so fast he wants to be able to enjoy this life he loves.

As soon as the kids were sent off to college, Ski had a lot of free time alone, Ski and Lucy have had 5 years had passed and both Lucy and Ski had wonderful careers. One foggy dark night, Ski was on his way home from work. He was driving late; he was going around this curb at the same time the semi crashed into him. When Lucy found out about this she rushed to the hospital as soon as she got there. The doctors said he was dying when she reached the hospital room, he wanted to talk to her. What he said was, “Lucy I have known you almost my whole life. It was the greatest adventure I could ever have had; I’m happy that I got to see our children grow to be the adults we wanted them to be, I want you to know that I’ll never forget you my love. Don’t be worried, I will always be watching over you.” (Ski started to get weaker and weaker) he barely said, “Lucy I-I love yoouuu..” (Then he slowly died). (Lucy started crying), “I love you too...” The next day Lucy told her children what had happened to their father. The kids had a very hard time with what happened to their dad, they just couldn’t believe this awful tragedy. It was a very hard time, especially for Lucy.

A week later they had a funeral for Ski, it lasted for hours and hours. People were crying, especially Lucy and Skis parents. The last person there was Lucy. She was just so heart broken and what she had lost in her life meant so much, but she knew Ski would want her to be happy always. Before she left his grave she said, “ I will always love you forever…” with a glistening tear.

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