A Summer to Remember | Teen Ink

A Summer to Remember

October 7, 2013
By Anonymous

“Five, four, three, two, one , summer!” all of Kent High school had been chanting this in their classrooms. School was finally out and everyone was so ready to go home. Especially Madison Taylor, Madison knew that her summer was going to be great and she was ready.

“Hey Madison!” a girl with long blonde hair and “hipster” glasses ran up to her. “ Can you sign my yearbook before you leave?

“Sure but I have to hurry so I can get home and pack.” Madison took the pen from Kim’s hand and scribbled in her yearbook.

“Kim what are you doing this summer?”

“Oh nothing much. What are you doing?”

“ I’m going to my grandparents’ lake house.” Madison waved goodbye to Kim and then ran to her car then drove home.

As Madison walked in the door she saw her father there waiting for her. He asked the normal after school questions and she answered with the normal one word answers. Madison started to trek upstairs then her father stopped her.

“Wait. I have to talk to you about this summer.”

“I already know what you're going to say.” she said, “Be good and don’t cause any trouble.” she said in a mocking voice.

“No that was not what i was going to say” her father sayed kind of offended. “Come sit down.” Madison looked puzzled as her dad began to talk. “Your grandfather is getting really sick and you going down there isn't going to be the best thing for your grandparents right now, I’m very sorry.” Madison quickly stood up and looked at her father.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me! You mean I can’t go to the lake house this is just ugh!” Madison stomped off into the garage hopped on her bike and rode off.

Madison was conflicted with many emotions. She was sad that her grandfather was sick and she was mad at her father for not telling her sooner. She was also a little relieved that she didn't have to drive the entire four hours to the lake by herself. Madison wasnt paying attention to the road then looked up. In front of her she saw a really handsome guy running across the street Maddison then realised that he was running away from her . She made a sharp turn in attempt to not hit him and fell off her bike.

“Woah , are you okay?”

Madison watched as the sweat glistened on his forehead and making his eyes in turn glisten.She took a while to answer but finally got one word out.


“Okay then be careful.”


“No problem.”

“Were you just running or were you just running away from me?”

“Yes,” they both laughed then he went on to explain himself. “I run either a mile or a 5k every day depending on what I have time for.”

“That’s cool, I want to start running on a regular basis but I need someone to push me to do it.”

“I could help you if you want.”

“That would be great, would you really?”

“Sure, we could start tomorrow, by the way I'm Peter.”

“I’m Madison...What time should I meet you tomorrow?”

“Meet me here at seven o’clock tomorrow morning.”

“Morning? You're running now and its the afternoon.” Madison looked at Peter with a puzzled face.

“I run in the morning and afternoon. You can run with me both times if you want.”

“That would be good. What time should we meet in the afternoon?”

“Um, I’ll be here at six.”

“Six, got it. So I’ll be here at seven in the morning.”

The next morning Madison woke up even before her alarm clock went off. She didn't care how early she had to wake up, she wanted to see Peter’s perfect black hair with his perfectly quifted quiff and his amazing brown eyes and his amazing smile. Madison found herself singing “I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it” over and over again. She stopped and thought to herself I hope he isn’t one of those really pushy coaches that automatically thinks that you’re in perfect shape and everything, I don't like those types of people.

Madison put on her running shoes, wrote a note for her dad then left it on the table, walked out the door, and didn't even look at the clock to see what time it was. When she got to the place that they said they were going to meet Madison sat there for a while but there was no sign that indicated that Peter was coming. Madison checked the time then realized that she had been early.

“Going home would be no use because then I would have to come right back out so I could make it back on time. I might as well ride around on my bike.”

Madison passed an older looking brick house in her neighborhood that couldn't be much older than her own. The door of the house crept open then out came Peter. Madison tried not to be noticed by him and looked the other way. When she thought she had passed the house she looked up, and in front of her was Peter.

“Ahhh!” Madison screamed as she tried to not hit Peter again. Peter grabbed her before she fell.

“Well now you know where I live, I didn't know you were a stalker.” he said jokingly Madison answered him back with the same amount of sarcasm.

“ Yeah it’s been on my resume for years.”

“Well since you’re here do you want to start running?”

“ Sure.” There was an awkward silence then Peter tried to break it.

“So, tell me about yourself Madison. I already know that you like to hit people with bikes and stalk people but what else?”

“I didn't mean to hit you with my bike.” Madison said defensively. “It was an accident I promise.”

“Okay whatever you say” Peter said jokingly. Maddison rolled her eyes then continued talking.

“well, I’m 16, I’m the oldest of four, I live with my dad, and I work at the Munchies down the street. What about you?”

“I am 16, I live with my mom and stepdad, and i’m an only child.”

“Well then.”

“Yup. So are you ready?”

“Yup lets go.” then they took off.

“Welcome to Munchies would you like to try our new…Oh hey Peter what are you doing here?” said Madison shocked but happy to see him.

“Well I came here to get some food but seeing you is always a good thing.” Madison blushed then asked.

“Okay what would you like?”

“I’ll have a number one with a shake.”

“That will be six dollars and twenty seven cents.” Peter handed Madison the money.

“Madison, can I ask you a question?”

“Sure but you have to make it quick because my boss is coming.”

“Um, okay well-”

“Hey Melissa, how are you today?”

“I’m just wonderful.” she looked at Peter, smiled, then walked around the counter and patted Maddison on the shoulder.

“Great now you have about two minutes to ask me whatever you have to before Melissa comes out and listens to every word that comes out of our mouths.” Madison watched as the door opened and her father walked in. “Hey daddy, what are you doing here?”

“I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry that I just dropped that bomb on you the other day but there really wasn't much that we could do.”

“It’s okay.” Madison paused “I understand

“Good I-” he stopped as he saw melissa walk out from the back “maddison who is this?” Melissa blushed then introduced herself.

“I’m Melissa, Madison’s manager.”

“Oh , well its very nice to meet you.” Madison shot her dad a look and he quickly excused himself and left.

“I think I should go too.” said Peter “I’ll ask you my question after our run.’

“Okay I’ll see you later.”

“bye” Madison waited for him to leave then looked at Melissa and sat down behind the counter.

“How do I get someone that looks like him to talk to me?” asked Melisa

“Hit him with a bike.” Melissa looked at Madison questioningly then let it go.

“Phew, ha I bet you”

“Yes you did.” Peter paced and tried to catch his breath. “alright let's go home.” Peter had been thinking of the perfect time to ask Madison his question he decided that he should do it as soon as possible.

“Madison, I like this girl I've know for a few months and i want to ask her out but I don't know how , what should I do?”

“Well you should just come out and say it. If it were me i would want a single rose and for him to surprise me though its never really a surprise to me because I can always see it coming.” but madison didn't see this one coming she was too busy in her fantasy land. Pete saw a flower bush and as they walked past it he plucked one flower from the bush. Peter walked in front of Madison

“Its not a rose but its the best that I could do” he gave an awkward smile and waited for Madison to respond.

“Well I didn't see that coming but of course I will.” Peter had a silent victory party then regained his composure.

“Great! I’ll pick you up tomorrow night at seven.”

“Oh! I forgot I Have to work tomorrow night till seven but I can be ready by eight.”

“Okay perfect” Madison gt to her house then said

“tomorrow at eight.”

“Eight. Okay bye”

Madison watched as her father walked through the Munchies door

“Hey daddy what are you doing here?”

“ Did I forget to tell you? Melissa and I are going out tonight.”

“Yeah you forgot to tell me.” Melissa walked out from the back.

“Hey Melissa are you ready to go?”

“ Yes I’m ready. Oh and Madison don't forget to lock up befor you leave.”

“ I want you guys have fun. See you when you get back home daddy.”

Madison waited a few minutes before locking up early so she would have more time to get ready for her date. When she got home she jumped in the shower put on a nice top and some jeans. Madison didn't wait long before she heard the doorbell ring. she rushed to the door then slowly opened it. Maddison saw Peter standing there with a single rose.

“You look great.”

“ You clean up nicely yourself”

“Why thank you” Peter bowed then they both laughed. Madison took the rose. “Are you ready?”

“Yeah lets go.” Madison wrapped her arm around Peter’s. As Peter closed the car door behind Madison she thought to herself “this is one of the best decisions that I think I have made, this is going to be a night to remember. She sat back and went along for the ride.

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