The Beginning | Teen Ink

The Beginning

October 11, 2013
By burrowsgtfc BRONZE, Grimsby, Other
burrowsgtfc BRONZE, Grimsby, Other
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Love is a crazy emotion isn’t it? On paper it looks like it means so little however in reality it is so unbelievably powerful. If I were to compare love to a type of leader of the world it would be a dictator – a controlling, get-what-it-wants sort of feeling. It can take over lives.

Many people desire for the feeling of devotion, a few people believe they have felt true love, yet only a small minority of people have relished the chance of finding their soul mate, their lover, their one true love. At the end of the day, this rarity only comes to those who wait. Many do not have the patience, time and endeavour, leading to thoughts of misunderstanding and lack of belief in love as a whole. This wasn’t the case for Peter. All his life he longed to be loved and to love somebody but he would always end up hurt, diminished and bemused by the female race. Nonetheless he never gave up. His chance would come.

During the Easter period he began talking to a girl he’d known for quite some time, however throughout the five years that they’d known each other they had never really been that close. Despite of this he’d grown fond of her, she was a special girl with the most amazing of personalities: she was funny, quirky, caring, sweet and one of the most down-to-earth girls Peter had ever met. Yet she also possessed an outer beauty… a rare thing to come across nowadays; to find a girl with all the attributes of a Disney character - life-like but too perfect to be real.

It was late Friday afternoon. The last day of the school semester and it’s finally time for the holidays! About time too, this term had been a particularly long one – eight weeks! For sixteen year old teenager that’s like doing a jail-sentence for a petty crime like littering. Tonight there was a party occurring on his estate to celebrate the end of semester. Little did Peter realise this was the night his whole future would change… The time of the party had drawn in and he was finally ready to head on over to the gathering. Here goes. As he opened the door, a beam of musical sounds waves hit him like a tidal wave , coming from every direction, people dancing, having a ball and the sounds of over-excited teenagers slightly intoxicated screeched through the house. Peter found himself unintentionally searching for Hayley, he knew she was coming but expected her to be already there before himself.

As the party continued Peter went on to enjoy himself with his group of lads that over the five years had become a strong unit of friends, friends for a lifetime you would say. The terrible awkwardness of the start of a social event where everybody was finding their space and greeting one another had passed and everybody was in full-flow and in party mode. Drinks were flowing and everybody was having a great time, so much of a time that Peter had not noticed Hayley walk into the kitchen behind where he was stood. As a good group of friends would, a chorus of “Oi your lover is behind you” erupted as they teased like teenagers do. Turning around on his heels Peter spotted Hayley right in the corner of the kitchen emptying her bag with all her bits and bobs in. But just at the moment of eye contact, a feeling of euphoria ran through his veins, an instant attraction some may say however this was more than that, for the last few months he had known himself and Hayley were growing fond of each other, in his eyes hopefully she was feeling the same as him. As his grandfather used to say “The Courting process” was underway, they had been talking for a while and gotten to know one another, Peter had began to grow feelings of lust and love for her, but was too afraid to open up in case of losing his chance, or worse losing somebody that he felt so strongly for, he’d grown close to and was now wanting to be more than ‘Just friends’.

But on this particular night he knew what he had to do. Tell her. From the moment he first laid eyes on her that night, he knew that this girl was the girl he wanted to fall in love with, to cherish and treat properly. The flash of her deep blue like the clearest of Caribbean seas eyes sparkling as they met, as her hair flowed down beyond her shoulders, waved , just from looking Peter could see that it was well taken care of , soft luxurious at the touch. She was stunning.

As the night came near to an end and everyone was saying their goodbyes and stumbling out of the door after a long night of drinking, fun and partying, Peter took a breath and got Hayley on her own. He had to be straight to her, tell her how he felt. Inevitably the alcohol that his body had been given had taken its toll but had given him the confidence to go up to her. As much as his mind was telling him to not risk it, he knew he had to, there was a chance he wouldn’t see her again considering she was originally going to a completely different college to him in September. It was now or never. As he lay his heart on the line, his words flowing out of his mouth just like he had planned them all night, looking straight into her eyes, seeing the smile on her face broaden , warmed his heart. The feeling of love.

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