The Crush That Has Awoken | Teen Ink

The Crush That Has Awoken

October 18, 2013
By Cutie_Pie43 BRONZE, Currie, North Carolina
Cutie_Pie43 BRONZE, Currie, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never Let The Fear of Striking Keep You From Playing the Game"

Once there was a guy his name was Chris and he was deeply in love with a girl named Nicole and they have seen each other around school, but, they have never talked to each other. One day that changed, Nicole was walking home from school and Chris lives down her road and today his friends were bringing him home, He saw that someone was bullying Nicole and he jumped out the car and ran to her and punched the guy in his face He was very proud of his actions.

He looked at Nicole and asked if she was okay, she just ran away without saying a word. Chris was so confused, he was thinking to himself saying “What did I do wrong?, Did I scare her? I want to know”

So, that night he walked down his street to Nicole’s house and knocked on the door. Her mom Angela answered the door “Hello, can i help you?”

He responded “Yes Ma'am, May i speak to Nicole.”

Her mom seemed surprised because no one has ever come over to see Nicole. she said”Wait one moment, darling” “Nicole, there’s someone here to see you.”

Nicole walks down the stairs. “Yes, mom” She see’s Chris Chris says
”Hey, Nicole may i speak to you for a minute” Nicole responds in a nice manner
”Yes” Chris starts talking and he was talking about the whole jumping out the car incident earlier that day.

Nicole says” Thank You for that and why did u do it?” Chris stays silent for minute and finally speaks ”Nicole I like you, you’re pretty, very smart and you’re very talented!
” Nicole says” Why would u like me?” Chris walks closer to her brushes his hand through her hair, pulls her in slowly and kisses her. She is silent. Chris don’t know what to do. He thinks to himself” Oh my gosh, she don’t like me, I moved to fast, What did i do?” Finally, Nicole speaks

” Chris, I like you too, You’re cute, Smart and a gentleman at heart and you’re a really good kisser!” Chris says”May i give you another?”

Nicole responds in a kind manner “Yes, you may” Chris and Nicole lean in slowly for another kiss. The next day at school, they see each other and smile. Everyone is so lost. What they don’t know is Chris and Nicole are finally a couple. Last night they talked for at least 3 hours after Chris had left her house and that night at 11:43 p.m. Chris asks Nicole to be his girlfriend! Nicole answers excited and calmly as possible”Yes, as long you’ll treat me right and never play with my heart!”

3 years later:
Nicole and Chris are Seniors in High school and at the graduation Chris gets on one knee and pulls out a ring takes Nicole’s hand and says ”Will you marry me, cause I want you with me for the rest of my life!”

Nicole says”Yes, I love you so much, baby” That summer on July 23 they finally got married and now they are planning for a baby. 9 months later Nicole and Chris have a baby girl and her name is Jocelyn Marie.

Nicole and Chris will live Happily Ever After! Like a fairytale!

The author's comments:
This article was about a girl who never knew she was beautiful t anyone but the guy had shown her differently! and so her opinion was changed.

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