How the Rose Came To Be | Teen Ink

How the Rose Came To Be

October 29, 2013
By PrincessGlory BRONZE, Murphy, Texas
PrincessGlory BRONZE, Murphy, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you fall, i'll be there~Floor

In all of Greece there was no one who could run faster than Rosen, a young, handsome Greek Prince. Every day the young prince ran along the castle walls never looking back at the maidens and young nymphs who wanted to court him.

One day Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, was down on Earth to get away from the busy life of being an Olympian. She was roaming around when she stumbled upon a castle in a small Greek Town. She spotted Rosen and instantly fell in love. The goddess disguised herself as a maiden and hurried along to go see him.

When Rosen saw Aphrodite he abruptly stopped and ran toward her. He fell in love with her. From that day on Rosen and Aphrodite met each other every day by the castle walls. Soon word got around that Rosen and Aphrodite were seeing each other. A wood nymph had gotten so jealous she went and told Ares, the war god, about the two lovers herself. Ares was furious. He decided to devise a plan to kill Rosen.

When Rosen was out on his daily run Ares, disguised as a cheetah, fell from the sky. The cheetah viscously lunged toward Rosen. Terrified, Rosen ran away and was about to reach the safety of his castle until he tripped on a tree branch. The maidens and nymphs saw what was happening and prayed to Aphrodite to come save their beloved Prince. When Aphrodite came down form Olympus it was too late. Rosen had already died.

Aphrodite was sad she lost Rosen. Persephone felt bad for the love goddess. The flower goddess went to Rosen’s death spot and created a flower in his honor. She called it a Rose. She gave it thorns o its stem to represent the cheetah’s teeth clashing with human skin. When Aphrodite saw the rose she thanked Persephone. Every time she saw the rose it reminded her of her love Rosen. She admired its beauty and called it a gift to all the lovers.

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