She is My Crush | Teen Ink

She is My Crush

November 19, 2013
By Jinthebloody BRONZE, Grapevine, Texas
Jinthebloody BRONZE, Grapevine, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Leap before you think"

A girl walked into my classroom. When she walked to the teacher to get to the teacher’s seat to get her seating assignment, her sleek blonde hair gently flowed behind her. That’s when I realized I was staring. I was staring at a GIRL! It was the first time I had a crush like this. I quickly got back to my Algebra homework. I heard the teacher say my name and I quickly raised my head to see beautiful icy blue eyes. She is my crush.

The gentle voice of the girl asked, “What are we doing exactly?”

“I smiled and relied, “We’re working with some equations. I’ll help you figure out where we are, maybe even tutor you if you need it.”

She smiled softly and nodded as I helped her for the rest of the class period. The class ended and we both had lunch next. I swear us meeting had been destiny. She turned into my best friend. I know this friendship won’t end.

We talked, and then I kissed her. She pushed me away. All I saw was her pale face turn red in a rush. She clearly didn’t like girls. I should’ve known better. I would love her, even if she told me a lie.

I looked down. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for. I’ll leave not.” I exclaimed, getting up from my seat. I turned, then felt a cold hand on my arm and heard a cute little sigh.

“Don’t leave. I’d still like to be friends.” My eyes widened at her proposal. She is so sweet.

“Really?” I sat back down. When watching her eat I learned she loved meat as she savored the school’s cheeseburger as if it was the last beef she’d ever have. I guess she will only ever be a friend to me. I hated that she preferred guys. She is my crush. I wish she’d be with me. Sadly, I know it will never be.

The author's comments:
My best friend who I'm in love with inspired this.

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This article has 1 comment.

Empretty said...
on Nov. 27 2013 at 11:28 pm
Wow I didn't see that coming #shicker great story tho. If this is true that would make an amazing book