A Romantic Story about a girl | Teen Ink

A Romantic Story about a girl

November 12, 2013
By angellynn99 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
angellynn99 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't give a damn about what color someone is. You could make a new friend," quoted by my best friend Josh.

December 15th
Today is my birthday. My parents said that they had a surprise for me. I was kind of excited to see what the surprise was. It was time to open presents. I saw this big box that had my name on it. I started to open it. I continued opening it and then when I looked in the box I saw my crush. My crush’s name was Christo. I’ve always had a crush on him and I couldn’t believe that he was here in my house. My parents also got me concert tickets to One Direction, my favorite boy band. I was so happy.

December 25th
Today is Christmas. My parents said they wanted us to wake up early. My crush was over last night and I asked him to stay over for the night. He said yes. I invited some friends over and we played truth or dare. My best friend, Nyia, dared me to tell my crush I like him and kiss him. I told Christo I liked him and then we kissed. It was a passionate kiss. A kiss I’ll never forget. When my turn came, I dared Christo to confess how long he’s liked me. He said he liked me for a while. I was so shocked. I couldn’t believe that Christo had liked me for a while. I wanted to run and hide but my best friend comforted me. After all my friends left, I asked Christo why he didn’t tell me he liked me before. He said that he was scared that I didn’t like him like that. I asked him to stay with me. While we were up, we watched Marley and Me. Then we watched a romantic movie. We kissed again. Then, he asked me out. I said yes.

December 31st/ January 1st
This is it. New Year’s Eve. I’m at my boyfriend’s place. We’re spending the evening together. We watch the ball drop and kiss when the clock hits midnight. My first kiss of the New Year was with the person I loved. I had always wanted to kiss him. Especially on New Year’s Eve.

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