Foxy Love | Teen Ink

Foxy Love

December 16, 2013
By Anonymous

She is beautiful, big brown eyes, cute nose, slim and with her tiny paws she moves gracefully as the wind. Her energy is wild as an animal. She is like an angel, her gorgeous red hair flies when she passes by. These are small parts which makes her so special to me. She is my unique opposite, which completes who I am. So close to me but still so far to reach, my foxy lady and only love...

Every time I see her, the world stops for mere moments and the sound of her voice is enough to make my heart race. If I could only talk to her, get her attention, but the reality is that she wouldn't be interested in me. I could never receive a glance. Around her are dogs, that playfully surrounds her in the intention of monopolization. With their threatening glares and the simple fact that they are more like her, repels any hopes of reaching the Foxy beauty. She is greatly cherished, I see it in each of their eyes. The fact is though, she could accept any of them and yet she is unobtainable. Then how would a guy like I, who is more like a horse, be able to get a chance with a foxy spirit such as hers? Every time I think about it feels like ingesting poison. It hurts from the top of my head to the bottom of my gut. Although at the same time it's as if a fire was lit in the deepest part of my heart. A fire that is just as wild as her, bringing crazy ideas and thoughts. No matter how different we may be or how difficult it may be or how difficult it can be; the flame shows me that from the happiest of moments to the worst that could possibly be brought upon us, would unquestionably be worth it...

This brings me to this moment. I am unable to know how to start or to get her attention. I thought of everything, even Morse code. Instead I walk up to her and here I stand. The emotion is suffocating making me tremble slightly. I may not see them now but I know the dogs are watching me. I can feel them and the pressure in the air as well.

I approach her closer while those big gorgeous eyes follow my every movement. Simply observing each other deeply, no words were used, they are not necessary. Taking into account every good ans bad aspect of one another. Now, the fire in my heart is burning through all my being. I know I want her and will do anything for her, she sees that too. She approaches slowly and as a little smile emerges on her beautiful face, a small yet precious kiss touches the tip of my nose. The tenderness and warmth of her lips are electrifying. As she finishes the kiss she turns and runs, I look at her paralyzed, as all sorts of questions flood my mind. She stops a looks back smiling. It was her way to send a invitation. A smile grows in my face, besides what else should I expect? Of My Foxy Love.

The author's comments:
First time putting a piece of mine in the outside world, I don't expect it to be praised. I only want to have feed back and criticism that will help me get better at writing. This is not my style and it's my first time writing Romance, so if any criticism is intentionally dis-motivational I shall gladly respond it with "up your mom's". Thank you for the rest.

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