Addicted To Love | Teen Ink

Addicted To Love

December 22, 2013
By Anonymous

At the age of 14, Ashlyn had never had a boyfriend and was as shy as a turtle. Ashlyn did not know the first thing about dating. It was almost the end of the school year and all she cared about was passing finals and moving on to 10th grade. Ashlyn didn’t have a whole lot of friends, maybe two or three. She didn’t know many people either. But there was one boy that had his eye on her. He saw her one day on his way to lunch and he froze in his tracks. His friend Elijah asked him what was wrong. George said nothing and kept walking. During the next few days, he searched online trying to find information about this mysterious girl, he could not find anything. He finally asked a mutual friend what her name was. He found out her name was Ashlyn. He was determined to talk to her one way or another. He found her on Facebook and messaged her. They began talking and Ashlyn thought George was really cool. George didn’t tell her that he was still dating a girl in school. So, George’s girlfriend Sam confronted Ashlyn about it and kept giving Ashlyn dirty looks in school. Ashlyn asked George if she was being played and he said he was planning on breaking up with Sam in the next few days. Well he broke up with Sam, and asked Ashlyn if she could come over. Ashlyn asked her mother and her mother said she would prefer to have George come to their house. So Ashlyn and George hung out at her house, they watched a movie and talked. Ashlyn’s nosy mom kept asking George questions about what he wants to do when he gets older and what college he wants to go to, and what sport he plays. Well, Ashlyn and her mom found out that George was the quarterback of the school football team and aspires to play football in college. After a week of talking non-stop and hanging out in school, George and Ashlyn began dating. Friends became mutual friends, people were talking about the “new couple,” Ashlyn started to feel like she was becoming somebody. Summer started and Ashlyn and George got more serious, they went on vacation together, they met each others family, Ashlyn met his mother and let’s just say she didn’t get the best first impression. Ashlyn thought George was the coolest guy around, but then she started finding out that he was lying. George lied about being the quarterback of the school football team, he lied about his mom not taking care of him or paying attention to him. Ashlyn found out that he was talking to other girls, and she began to get angry. Even after all of these events, she still had the desire to continue to be with him. Ashlyn was in love with the “fake” George, not the real George, and it is going to take more than him lying about a couple of things for her to realize it. George told Ashlyn that he was colorblind, at first Ashlyn didn’t believe it but after months of George saying he couldn’t see certain colors, she started to believe it was actually true. All they did together was watch television or play videogames and eat, Ashlyn began to gain weight slowly, and she stopped playing sports. George gained weight also and didn’t have the motivation to play sports anymore. Both of them got very lazy and clingy, they always had to know what the other was doing and their relationship became obsessive. At their two year mark, they were no longer the cutest couple and the arguments occurred almost every day. They were mainly tantrums and jealousy fights. George always knew how to charm a girl, every time they fought he knew how to make her forget all about it, almost like a spell. Ashlyn became more hostile and angry and non-caring all of the time and her parents were concerned that George was an influence. Ashlyn did nothing but blame her parents for her unhappiness because they disliked George. They always discussed how he was un-motivated and overweight and his ways were rubbing off on Ashlyn. Ashlyn disagreed and blamed her weight gain on her mother feeding her fattening foods and not being there for her whenever she wanted to play a sport. It almost seemed like George was tearing Ashlyn and her family apart. Ashlyn still did not see George’s harm and didn’t think the arguing was a problem. One day Ashlyn and George got into a heated argument at school about how he wouldn’t stop flirting with girls, then in front of everyone, George slapped Ashlyn right across the face. No one did anything or said anything, teachers acted like nothing happened, Ashlyn didn’t cry though. Ashlyn fought her own and once again didn’t speak to George for two days. After two days, George apologized and worked his magic again and Ashlyn and George were fine. She never told her parents about the abuse that continued for the next 6 months. Ashlyn began to feel unatracted to George and she began verbally abusing him. George took it like a man, but he still had his old lazy ways. Finally Ashlyn told George if he wanted to date her he needed to get himself together and act like a man. Ashlyn still wanted to be friends with him and help him through it. George became obsessive and wanted to get her back, he did anything and everything in his power to make sure Ashlyn dated no one else. Ashlyn was getting sick of his possessiveness and told him not to talk to her for a while. George decided he needed to confess to everything. George confessed about not being colorblind, he also admitted that he lies to get attention and to be liked by others. Ashlyn found out that he had been doing the same thing to two other families. Ashlyn’s mom decided to meet with these parents and warn them about what George does to people. When Ashlyn decided to give George another chance, George told the biggest lie of all. Ashlyn and George stayed after school to help with the play and Ashlyn had to stay longer to pick her sister up from practice. George wanted a ride home but he also had time to take the bus. Ashlyn told him she couldn’t take him home, so George got angry and started to walk home in the heat. Ashlyn thought nothing of it and when she got home she texted him to see if he made it home okay. Ashlyn received a call from some lady she did not know stating that what Ashlyn did was wrong and that she was very ignorant for leaving a friend stranded to walk home himself. This unknown lady assured Ashlyn that he was with her and was okay and that George did not wish to talk to Ashlyn anymore. Ashlyn was completely confused and explained to the lady what really happened, the lady refused to believe Ashlyn. So, Ashlyn went to tell her mom everything and her mom was furious. Ashlyn’s mom called the mystery lady back and found out her name was Kim and she was Georges’ friends mother. She said that they had to come and get him and house him because Ashlyn left him to walk home. Once again George was playing the pity card and Ashlyn had had enough. Ashlyn said she never wanted to speak to him or see him again. The next few months in school were difficult, she had to pass him at least once every day. One day she was checking Facebook and she received a message from George and it was an apology. Ashlyn just laughed to herself, it sounded like all of his other apologies. She blocked him and moved on with her life. Today, Ashlyn is happier than she had ever been and is focusing on getting her grades up and applying for college. Ashlyn and her family are glad that George is no longer in their life and can breathe a sigh of relief.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece to inspire anyone who is in a relationship to not get caught up in "having a boyfriend or girlfriend". If the relationship is bad, get out before it gets worse.

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