Dreams | Teen Ink


January 6, 2014
By thelionsmane BRONZE, Virginia Beach, Virginia
thelionsmane BRONZE, Virginia Beach, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You turn around and see the love of your life with another girl. All you can do is stand there. Your heart is breaking so fast. You can’t breathe, you can’t move. There’s nothing you can do but just stand there. You want to run away but you can’t. You’re just standing there staring at them. Everything is in slow motion, but finally you’re able to move, to breath, to turn the other way and run. Only before you can do that, you realize it’s only been a few seconds when it seemed like forever. Hopefully no one has noticed you just standing there staring at them. You turn around quickly to leave the way you came from. You look back only to see him staring at you, he saw. He’s still with her, but he saw you break into a million pieces. He tries to smile, but doesn’t seem to get it right. You turn and walk away quickly. He’s your best friend. He’s the person who has been there for you the most. He’s the person who has helped wipe your tears away. He’s the person that always wanted to see you smile and be happy. He’s the person who would call you gorgeous and make you feel like you were something special. He’s the one you fell in love with. You keep walking and don’t stop. You don’t know where you’re going, but you don’t care. You just have to leave; you can’t let him find you, you just can’t. You can’t handle the pain any longer and start crying. You finally look around again and realize you’re all by yourself. You have no clue where you are. It’s not like you really don’t care though. You lean your back against the way and sit down. You bring your knees up to your chest and cry into them. You don’t look up for who knows how long. You can feel a hand on your shoulder and you can feel someone sitting down next to you. You don’t look up or even move, but you can hear him say to you “I love you, not her.” Now you look next to you and see that he’s sitting next to you. You can’t make out any words so you just look into his eyes and start crying again. He takes you in his arms and holds you tight. Neither of you speak for quite some time. You just cry into his arms and he rests his chin on top on your head. He takes your hand and intertwines his fingers with yours. He takes his chin off your head so you look up at him to see that he’s crying, He says, “I really do love you.” You finally find your words and say, “I love you” back to him. He takes his free hand and wipes your tears away and you do the same to him. Then you and him just sit there for a few seconds staring deeply into each other’s eyes and all you can think is “kiss me kiss me” and he does. Like any other person would do in this situation, you kiss him back. (No need to go into details about the kissing. You all know how that works.) For a while you two just sit there kissing, your fingers intertwined with the love of your life’s fingers. He all of the sudden pulls away and says, “I’m the luckiest person alive” and holds you close.

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