The first time | Teen Ink

The first time

January 12, 2014
By cpduffy BRONZE, Southport, Connecticut
cpduffy BRONZE, Southport, Connecticut
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Shannon is a twenty four year old woman with wavy chestnut hair and eyes bluer than the sky, Connor is a twenty six year old man with dirty blonde hair and emerald green eyes. They meet went they were in there early twenties and have been together for five years. They met at Temple Bar in Dublin Ireland where they were born and raised, they traveled to America to find a life over the pond. They left their families and friends to go make a better life for themselves. They embarked on a life adventure to the Brooklyn New York, hoping for the best.
Connor went from job to job looked for anything that would keep him employed and the money flowing, but soon realized after coming to America that the job opportunities were worse than Ireland and there was a very slim chance he would find a stable job. Connor was hard working, and smart but he just couldn’t catch a break he had so much hope but it quickly dwindled with each rejection. Connor was trying to make it work but the times were just too hard. Connor felt horrible that he took Shannon to a new country to leave her family thinking they would make it big and all that’s happened was heartbreak and struggles. He saw her only ever upset and realized his American dream was never going to be in the picture.
Shannon was a quiet simple girl that followed her heart, and always loving no matter what the circumstances, but ever since leaving Dublin she had struggled to find herself and be he same person. I love Connor with all my heart but if I stay in America for much longer I’m going to fall apart... I miss my family. Shannon refused to tell her family about her struggles because she didn’t want them to worry too much, and she didn’t want to be proven wrong considering her family told her not to go and didn’t know she left until she was there. She spent her free time exploring alone and standing in the unemployment line.
Although from the outside they seemed calm on the inside they were screaming with rage and frustration. They would spend their days alone but there nights staying up all night to talk with each other, make the best of what they had, and love each other unconditionally. They were perfect for each other and although they would do anything to get out of there situation they wouldn’t want to be anywhere else other than with each other. They were the few with true love, they weren’t going to let money or anything become between them, they would spend hours just talking about there hopes and dreams and make there dreams seem like there reality. It was when Connor left and Shannon stayed home that the times were hard and lonely and hopeless.
Shannon wrote to her family telling them not to worry and that they were doing fine, and they would post and share pictures of Connor and her being tourist and put off the impression that they were fine, but she would stay home all day heartbroken and tire of the constant let downs.
Shannon was all Connor had his family all had died and she was the only one left he had nothing to lose by moving to America, but he realized that he had striped the only place Shannon had ever know from her, he realized ever there love could comfort her forever and if he didn’t compromise their relationship may be compromised. Out of complete impulse he rushed to an auto shop and sold his bike and from the money he bought two tickets straight to Dublin. I have to change the way we are living, this isn’t working and my only option is to make the love of my life happy and I’d rather her happiness over mine any day.
Connor ran five blocks to their 1920 brick apartment building that had an old wood door chipping with white paint and burst into the one room studio apartment with a wall of windows, and three brick wall coved in warn down paint. Shannon was sitting in there unmade bed with a cup of piping tea and had tear stained cheeks and smudged eyeliner, she was sitting on the bed cuddling Connors old white t-shirt holding a crinkled picture of her mother and father.
“What are you doing here? You scared me!” Shannon said,
“Here” Connor handed her an envelope with two one way tickets on an Air Lingus Flight to Dublin Ireland.
“How did you pay for these? We can’t afford holidays to Ireland” Connor stopped her words of worry with a light kiss, like the first time they had ever touched lips, and said “We are leaving America, I’ll find work in Ireland, I can’t stand you seeing you upset, I want you to be happy forever because a pretty girl like you should never frown.”
Three months later Connor got a stable job at a financial office, and Planned on proposing at the end of the month after he got his first real paycheck. Shannon had never felt so loved and was finally back to her joyful self.

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