You Aren't Alone | Teen Ink

You Aren't Alone

February 6, 2014
By ForeverAvailable SILVER, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania
ForeverAvailable SILVER, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Keep your hopes up high and your head down low" ADTR

I went through the lunch line at school then sat with my usual group of friends. I looked over and saw Adam sitting by himself as usual. I had noticed him before, he's the kid that is picked on everyday for being different. All the jocks and popular kids picked on him for how he dressed. For some reason, that day, I couldn't stop looking at him in the lunch room. He was wearing converse, black jeans, and a Pierce The Veil band shirt. His hair fell into his eyes as he looked down. As everyone continued to laugh and pick on him it was obvious Adam was doing everything in his power to hold back his tears. I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't care what everyone would think I couldn't sit back and watch this happen anymore. So I stood up , took my lunch, and walked over to where he was sitting. He looked up at me and terror filled his eyes.

I smiled and asked “May I sit with you?” Confusion filled his whole face and he simply said

“You may”. We talked for a while and I noticed that he kept pulling down his sleeves. Lunch was over and Adam and I went our separate ways. The next day I sat by him again. It was hot outside but he was wearing a long sleeved shirt again. After joking and talking for a while I reached for his hand and gently took his hand into mine. He looked up at me as if he knew what I was going to do. I looked into his eyes and saw fear. Not the same fear that I saw the day before when I had asked to sit with him. This was different.

“Please don't” Adam whispered “You're my only friend”

I looked into his eyes for a moment longer then looked down to his arm. I very slowly pushed up his sleeve and saw several cuts and scars all the up his wrist and forearm. Some were very deep, some just scratches. I looked up at him and saw him looking down. He looked ashamed. I looked back down at his arm and tears started running down my face. I slowly let go of his hand and slid closer to him. I wrapped my arms around him hugging him so tight. I felt him slowly wrap his arms back around me. When the hug had ended he looked at me and I took off my bracelets and held both my wrists out to him. He looked down to see the scars that filled them.

“Everyone has problems, Adam.” I said

He smiled and looked up at me. “I was going to kill myself last night” he said then he took a deep breath and continued “ I couldn't handle being bullied anymore. I had it all planned out. Then you came and sat by me yesterday and for the first time I felt like I had a friend. Like I wasn't alone anymore. You're the reason I didn't do it”

“I will always be here for you.” I said I paused then looked at him and asked “Would you like to come over after school?”

“Sure, I'd love to” he said with a smile on his face.

After school was over he met me right outside and we walked to my house. No one was home.

“Want to watch a movie?” I asked.

“Sounds good to me” he answered. I put in a movie and we sat down on my couch.

“I'm glad you didn't do it...” I said quietly and he looked at me unsure of what I was talking about.

“Kill yourself I mean. I am glad you didn't” I continued. He looked at me.

“And why is that?” He said almost whispering. I slowly reached over and took his hand in mine locking our fingers together.

“Because” I said then paused. “Because I haven't felt this safe in a long time”

He smiled just a little then said “Yea? Well neither have I” He took his free hand and gently put it on the side of my face as we gazed into each others eyes. I leaned towards him and he leaned in to. Our lips met and we kissed.

“I love you” I said hesitantly.

“I love you too” he said back. Then he pulled me closer to him and we kissed passionately. The rest of the world didn't matter anymore.

The next day in school all my friends hounded me about being with him. My friends soon became my enemies. I couldn't believe they wouldn't support me with how I felt. I love Adam. We both got bullied the rest of the school year, but we didn't care because we had each other.

The author's comments:
Scars don't make you unimportant or worthless. No matter what you have been through there is always someone who will love and except you for who you are.

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