Maybe in an Airport | Teen Ink

Maybe in an Airport

February 8, 2014
By Anonymous

I'd like to think we wouldn't rush. I'd like to think that the moment we meet will be savory, that shock will be the dominating factor. I'd like to think I'll walk up to you slowly.
I'd most likely try to keep eye contact, but your smile would make me look down...stupidly biting my lip, as usual. I’d probably grin at my shoes a little. I'd like to think you would let me be silent, let me gently brush my lips to yours before coming down from my tiptoes. I'd like to think your eyes will be the same as they were when I realized you loved me. That we would fall all over again. Then would come excitement, then would come the flurry.
I'm sure it will all come down at once.
Frantically we would do something. Kiss, hug, or cry...I’d like to think it will be a wonderfully crazed combination.
Regardless, we’ll be stuck in time. Regardless, we won’t understand that this is reality but for a moment.
Regardless, we'll still be deeply, oh so stupidly, in love.
And then we won't be able to stop talking.

The author's comments:
a bit personal, a bit sappy, so thereby anonymous

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