Learning to Love | Teen Ink

Learning to Love

February 15, 2014
By bubblegumpopster BRONZE, Melbourne, Other
bubblegumpopster BRONZE, Melbourne, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Let's Pegogo!

He was in Dublin, whereas I in Melbourne, both furthering our higher education in Trinity College and University of Melbourne respectively. It was that fateful day when my mother decided to bring me and my younger brother out for lunch after school ended. It was 1.30pm and the Malaysian sun scorched in the azure sky. I was merely an innocent 16 year old, stressed out with my Form 4 (Year 10) studies. I had a horrible pimple outbreak and my face was so clogged with oil that it could reflect almost anything. The weather made me moody and the condition of my face further punctured my self-confidence. Our mother brought us to her friend’s cafe, not far from school. We took our usual seating spot and as the owner, Marge, as we call her, came with the menus. She was bubbly as usual, with a huge smile swiped off her face. For a lady in her fifties, one could easily mistaken her for being merely in her early forties. We needed not her menus as we were all famished and had already made up our minds on what to have for lunch the minute the school bell rang sharp at 12.40 pm. She took down our orders and busied herself to deliver the order to her chef back in the kitchen. Marge came back a few seconds later and sat beside my mum. She amazingly always has a story to share with us every time we drop by.

“My nephew is in today!” she chimed, eyes glimmering. Her hands were laid flat on the wooden table. “He just got his SPM results (SPM is a public examinations students of Form 5 or Year 11 in Malaysia will have to take in the end of the year. This exam is crucial as the results will be used to apply to colleges and universities).”

“How did he do?” my mum asked, sipping on her glass of ice lemon tea the waitress just served.

“Why, we are all indeed proud of him! He got straight A+s! 10A+!” Marge enthusiasm bubbled inside her. My mum said her congratulations and asked where was his whereabouts. Just as Marge was about to reply, came this 175cm plus guy with curly brown mane and rosy cheeks that would make any girl jealous. He seemed oblivious of the eyes watching him and the failed hushed whisperings. In fact, he was in his own world. He went behind the cash register and did his own thing, leaving us to observe him from afar. “That’s him.” Marge piped, looking at me and she gave me a playful wink. Marge left us to devour on our lunch and once we were done, my mum just had to talk to Marge’s nephew.

“Hi. I’m Anna’s mum.” she smiled and I instantly knew what was coming next. “Come here Anna! Don't be shy!” she beckoned me to come and I did as I was told, face half sulking half smiling. I was exhausted and my body felt dirty from a day in school. One who studies in a humid country such as Malaysia would understand what the weather does to you after six hours of class in a non-air conditioned school. He said hi to us with a sweet smile. I understood very well that my mum always had a knack with polite, sweet and pleasant boys. This particular one screams pleasant from a mile away. Then my mum went on and on about what were his tips and secrets to do well in studies mainly physics as I was at that moment having Defcon 5 issues with physics. He explained that he too was like me and had problems understanding the concept and that I will get the hang of it with adequate exercise and constant revision. At the back of my head, this definitely sounds boring and so not enticing. I hated all 10 of my subjects that I had to do as I did very badly in all of them. I was on the verge of a mental breakdown (metaphorically), but hearing his experience with struggles, I felt a glimmer of hope. He gave me hope. And I survived high school. I completed my SPM and praise the Lord, I achieved 9A+ and 1As.

I soon later found out that the guy will further his studies in Dublin soon. He was interested in pursuing Medicine. I went to Melbourne to further my studies the year after. I completed my foundations by the end of 2013 and got accepted into University of Melbourne under Bachelor of Biomedicine, which to me was something I could never imagine myself accomplishing on that day in the cafe.

One day, I received a Facebook notification. Dublin guy added me on Facebook and was awaiting my friend request confirmation. As I hit accept, it was not long after he sent me a message. We started talking about random things from there onwards, like the weather and the time. Mostly stuff about school and life. One night I decided to share with my mum that we were messaging each other and how it all started. Somehow rather I could hear my mum grin over the other end of the phone.

“Anna, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.” she paused and took a moment to construct her sentence. “He told his mum and his mum told Marge so Marge told me.”

“Gosh mummy, cut to the chase already! What is it?” I felt my heart tighten into a knot. Somehow rather I felt like what she was about to tell me could be a real shocker.

“He was asking me about your Facebook but you know me with technologies. So I guess he asked around and see whether anyone else has you on their facebook.” she explained herself. I was fighting the urge to scream BUT WHY?

“Why exactly is my Facebook so important to him?” I questioned. I sounded really agitated.

“Maybe it’s because you are to him.” that line was self explanatory.

A few months later, he dropped the bomb. He told me his uni break was just around the corner and that he wants to come visit me in Melbourne. I wonder, who visits someone they only met for a mere 5 minutes conversation on one hot sunny day, texts them a few months later and voila, flies all the way across the world to “visit” them. Fine, we do consider ourselves as friends but why would he spend his money on air fare and the expensive hotel bills just to visit me?
My questions and fears were answered during that winter.

It was July, and the temperature fell day by day. I received a text that cold morning. “I have landed.” Once again my heart was beating non-stop. What was I going to do? Do I bring him around? What will we even talk about? Will there be an awkward moment? Amazingly life has its way of unfolding itself like origami. And things hit you when you least expect it.

He told me he was staying at the Hyatt so I agreed to wait at the lobby a few hours later, insisting that he freshens up before we begin our excursion. I found myself constantly checking the clock to see whether it was time I made my way to the hotel. When I finally did reach the hotel, I made myself comfortable in the foyer and texted him, letting him know I was here. Whilst waiting for Mr. Dublin to come down, I checked my instagram. Not realising the world around me, I was lost in the world where pictures are worth a thousand words, with the aid of captions and hashtags.

Suddenly I hear my name being called out. “Hi Anna.” the voice huskier than I last heard. I got up and turned to find him standing, in front of me. He smiled and I melted. Partially melted. He had an amazing smile and I could not help but smile back. “Hi.” I was really nervous and I prayed he could not tell. We shook hands and for a moment there, we did not let go. I still had to adjust myself to his physical changes. He has gotten taller, lost a lot of weight, and his hair was trimmed neatly which suited him very well indeed. “You look amazing!” he complimented. Yes, I did lose 10 kgs and I sillily blushed at his compliment. “You too.” I giggled. Our conversation was stiff at first but after deciding where to have lunch and over some amazing Greek food at a local Greek restaurant, we gotten more comfortable around each other.

Our conversation led to weight lost and I explained what motivated me. “This guy in my high school once said he would never like a chubby girl. He really hurt me but I would like to thank him one day because what he said on that day, echoes in my ears every time I exercise. His remarks really motivated me to boost my self confidence and towards a healthier me.”

“I think he’s wrong though.” He put his cutleries down. “I thought you already look great on that day in the cafe.” I laughed and thought he was seriously joking. “I’m serious! I’m not joking.”

“Dude, I was a grease monkey haha.” I laughed at the thought of my oil-prone skin and pimple surfacing on every surface of my face.

“But I saw you. To me, I thought you looked fine. Now, you look even amazing, no doubt about that, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If they do, they’re not worth your time, or your love.” He looked straight into my eyes and I could see how sincere he was. That was the moment when I truly understood what my mum was trying to tell me about him all this while. He truly is an honest, pleasant, sweet, understanding and amazing guy. A guy that anyone would be lucky to have. I smiled, feeling so touched than ever before and I placed my hands on his. I knew I must never let go.


I guess you readers out there would have guessed it. We started dating and yes, he is my first boyfriend, my first love, my first amazing guy. To him, I too am the first girl he has ever learn to love. Being with him made me feel at home. It was as though my heart was meant to be with him. We have a long distance relationship but we manage to make it work thanks to modern technologies. We promised not to be clingy and upset if one of us failed to reply our whatsapp since we both can be busy with our studies. Trust, is the most important thing in our relationship due to the 10,639 miles (16.09344 km) between us. We occasionally visit each other and the best part of our relationship is that we both came from the same hometown, hence when we return our hometown for the long semester break, we get to be together once more.

I love him for loving me long before and that he saw the beauty that was hidden in me. Beauty that I had no idea I possess. I was an unpolished pearl, and he made me realise what I was made of. He had more faith in me than I had in myself and every time he holds me in his arms, it feels as though he would never let go. Ever.

The author's comments:
I am well aware that this article contains grammatical errors however I wrote this article with all my heart in less than an hour as it was something that genuinely happened to me. I did change the name for the sake of individual privacy.
I hope readers will be able to enjoy my life story and open up to love someday like I did.

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