FInding a Way | Teen Ink

FInding a Way

February 20, 2014
By baylie_trammell BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
baylie_trammell BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm waiting for the day you return. The day when your sideways smiley faces right side up and your "lol" is actually the sound of your infectious laughter. I'm waiting for the day when our thoughts become reality and I can actually hear the sound of your voice. And won't it be nice when a (hug) is not in parenthesis.I'm waiting for your "haha's" to be towards something that I say rather than something I type, and when your reply will be instantaneous. The day your sad face will turn into your head on my shoulder is the day when everything will finally feel complete.

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