Second Chance | Teen Ink

Second Chance

March 2, 2014
By blairpostell BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
blairpostell BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hi, my name is Lilly Holmes, I am a 19 year old freshman at Duke University and I am currently at the top of my class. Most girls my age have a perfect life, you know amazing parents, a lot of friends, and a really sweet boyfriend, but not me. My life is not so easy, my parents don’t really care about me but I do have three amazing friends that help me get through the day. I also have a boyfriend but that is kind of complicated right now. I mean yeah he loves me and most of the time he treats me good but I still have this one guy I can never seem to get out of my head. It’s like when you listen to a song and you keep singing it over and over again and you can’t get it out of your head type of thing and I don’t know if I will ever be happy without him.
I've been dating Jake for 7 months now and so far it's been good. I'm supposed to be meeting his friends tonight but I'm nervous. I really hope they like me. Jake came and picked me up at my dorm room at 5 and as we walked across campus he talked about his roommate Oliver and Liam and how funny and crazy they were. All I could think about when he said Oliver was "I hope it is not my Oliver". We reach his room and when he opened the door he yelled
"We're here!"
I saw a guy with short blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. I thought to myself it can't be, this can't be happening. I walked in the door and introduced myself, we acted like we had never met before. I thought it was better that way anyways. As we were sitting at the table talking about our classes Jake excused himself from the table and said he would be right back. Thirty minutes had passed and he still wasn't back yet. I was starting to get worried, so I went to go find him. As I walked out of the room and down the hall, I couldn't believe my eyes. I stood there in shock as Jake was trying to explain why he was kissing Miley. “Lilly I can explain”
“Don’t even bother, I’m done with you”
As I was walking out of the dorm I heard Oliver yell my name. I turned around as he was approaching me.
“Are you okay Lilly?”
“Yes, I just need to be alone right now.”
“Don’t lie to me.”
"Like you care! "
"I do care."
"Just go, just... go! "
The next day after class while I was packing to go home for the weekend I heard a knock at my door. I looked through the peephole and saw that Oliver was pacing back and forth in the hallway.
"What do you want!" I exclaimed.
"I just wanna talk!"
I opened the door and let him in. He asked me if I was mad at him and I said "no." but I guess he could tell I was lying. So I began to tell him what I was really mad about.
"You left me."
"In 11th grade you left me for all of them druggies that cussed all of the time, and you left me all by myself for them."
"I'm sorry but I-"
"No just stop right there you never talked to me again after that, and you know what hurt the worst? "
"I really loved you Oliver, and I don't mean stupid high school love. I mean I truly loved you and I still do."
Oliver just stood there in shock and didn't know what to say. So he just walked out. I got really mad and threw a bunch of random stuff in my suitcase and I left for home.

As I was driving down the road I couldn't help but cry. I was driving a way to fast and my eyes were getting blurry from all of the crying. I couldn't see and I panicked. Before I knew it I had lost control. Next thing I know I wake up in the hospital and see Oliver sitting by my bedside.
"What happened?" I asked
"You got in a very bad wreck but luckily no one was hurt, except you. "
"Where was I going?"
"You were headed home but you were probably mad at me because we had a fight before you left"
"What were we fighting about? " I asked. He hesitated for a minute.
“We were talking about how Jake had cheated on you with MIley, and you got mad at me because you said you never would have gotten with him if I had never left you."
I didn't have a clue who he was talking about. I sat there for a moment and tried to remember who Jake was but I couldn’t seem to regain memory of him.
"Who is Jake?"
"He was your boyfriend remember?"
"I have never had a boyfriend, the only guy I have had in my life was you until you left."
“You never let me explain why I left you, so I left your room to let you calm down.
He began to tell me how his parents were getting a divorce and things were not going so well at home. He started to go down the wrong path in life and began do drugs, drink, and go to parties. He told me that he didn’t want to get me into the mess that he had created because he loved me way too much. He told me that he got caught under age drinking one night at a party and that was when he wanted to turn his life back around, so he came back to school and started trying extra hard in his classes. I had already began to hang out with other people and he didn’t want to interfere with my friendship with them. As I looked over at him I saw him crying.
“ What’s wrong?” I asked
“I feel like crap for what I did.”
“I...I forgive you. I should've given you a chance to explain."
"Lilly don't blame your-"
"Just...just promise me one thing."
"Promise me you'll never leave me again?"
"Lilly Holmes I will never leave you again. You're stuck with me."
"Pinky promise?"
"Pinky promise."
I'm not sure if I'll ever remember everything again but that doesn't matter because I have Oliver. We've both made mistakes in our relationship but those are in the past. Things have come between us in the past but nothing can stop us now. We finally got our second chance.

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