Secret Love | Teen Ink

Secret Love

February 28, 2014
By Anonymous

“Look, my mom isn’t going to let us be together, but I love you and I will do whatever I can do to be with you. So we will have to keep it a secret”, I said. “Baby I am willing to do whatever it takes to be with you, I have never felt this way about a girl and I don’t want to feel this way unless it is with you”, said Ray. I still remember the first time I saw him he was the perfect height six, two. He was wearing his basketball uniform, white with black and the number thirty. All I could remember was he looked at me and winked, it was like I could melt just looking at him.
Rays eyes were so dreamy, but my mom was so mean she broke us apart just because he was mixed and she just wants me to date white people but it is about character not color. “Ray we are going to have to break up my mom is watching me like a eagle and she has my phone so maybe we can still go out but you can’t txt me for a while but we can still see each other at track and in P.E.”, I said. “Then what is the point in going back out if your mom don’t want us together I mean it is just pointless because I can’t take you the movies”, said Ray. “Ok then don’t try to keep this going even though you said you loved me but you must not because if you did you would fight for me but that is ok I guess I am not worth your time”, I said. “That is not what I am saying, I am saying that it is pointless going out with you because I love you so much and I just want what is best for you, but I am not what is best for you and if your mom don’t like me and you tried to change her mind but she is stuck in the past and she can’t see I have changed”, said Ray. “Ok if you love me so much and you want what is best for me then date me I love you more than I have ever loved someone. You are what is best for me you make me happy”, I said. “And you make me feel like I can fly but sometimes baby that is not enough. I know that you want to date me and I really want to date you but sometimes you just have to walk away from what you love and baby this is one of those times. Look I am sorry I have to get on the bus for track”, said Ray. “Ok that is ok I guess I will just see you there then”, I said.
We both got on the bus and we got to your meet and we both won our events. We both had to stay because it was an hour away from our school. So turns out he was on the bus the same time I was because I was going to get my glasses but he was there to get his drink. I leaned over to get my book bag and he pushed me trying to be funny but turns out I hit my head and it all went dark. The next thing I remember was waking up on the bus and I was in his arms and he was staring right at me. “Are you ok, you hit your head pretty hard”, said Ray. “Yeah I guess so but my head is killing me but I am glad you stayed here with me”, I said. He started leaning down and he kissed me and said “Hope that makes it feel better”, Ray said. I didn’t answer I just pulled him back down and we kissed again. That was the first time I have felt a spark when I kissed somebody. So then we got off the bus and we went down back to the track and just sat beside each other; it was the best night ever. The weekend went by and we didn’t see each other till that next Monday. We were in P.E. and we played basketball and it was amazing because I have never felt this way about a guy and we actually stayed together for a year and five months and then my mom found out again so that was the end of it but we still tried to fight for our relationship but he said he loved me so much that he didn’t want me to get in trouble so we never went back out and we didn’t date other people either, we just were really good friends and we did everything together as long as my mom knew we didn’t do anything.

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