Lilly and Leo | Teen Ink

Lilly and Leo

March 4, 2014
By Claire Benesch BRONZE, Malvern, Pennsylvania
Claire Benesch BRONZE, Malvern, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lilly and Leo
Lillian drove to the toll bridge, parked her car, and then proceeded to walk into the woods. Making a left at the weird tree with red leaves then walking until she came upon the part of the forest that was hidden from the rest of the world. It was covered in plush green moss with the smell of damp earth cushioning the small clearing with a pleasant fragrance. Lillian found the hollowed tree from which she took out a blanket, and a bottle of red wine, that the weather had done a nice job of chilling. She was setting up their picnic when Leo snuck up behind her.
“Boo!” he said into her ear gripping her upper arm. Lillian screamed and shoved the boy into the nearest tree. “OW!” Leo whined when he hit his head on a low lying, but wide, branch.
Lillian growled a little when she saw it was Leo. “What the hell was that?!” Lillian said crouching down next to him.
"Lilly is that you? I'm so cold." Lillian punched him in the shoulder
"You’re fine you big dummy." she said rolling her eyes and setting the wine back down on the blanket. Leo got the glasses out of Lilly’s little basket and set them out for her to pour.
“What did you tell your dad?” He asked taking a sip desperately trying to acquire a taste for wine.
“I told him I was going to be studying late at the library.” Lillian smirked “What did you tell your Uncle?” she watched her drink as she made the liquid swirl in a tiny whirl pool.
“Nothing” Leo replied “I don’t think he notices when I leave.” He met Lillian’s gaze and smiled. “It doesn't matter though. Next year we will be miles away from this hell.”
They both turned their focus to the sky. Lying on their backs they watched the sky go from blue to orange to black. It started slowly, but soon they could make out a tiny pin hole of white light, and when you focused on it you could start to see a million, billion new tiny pinholes.
When the inky blackness became complete, Leo went back to the hollow tree and got several candles. He pressed them into the loose soil, and Lilly tossed him her lighter. Soon the blackness was met by yellow streams of sun rising from the candles.
Lillian took Leo’s hand into hers and turned towards him. “The library closed an hour ago.” the sad words drifted in the air. “I don’t want to leave.”
“Then don’t.” Leo said smiling. “We can stay all night if you want to.”
“I can already see the morning paper.” she joked “Ms. Lillian French, last seen walking in the woods, fails to return home, Presumed dead.”
“Then why don’t you call you dad and tell him you’re going to sleepover at Jackie’s because it’s too dark to walk home?” Leo suggested, looking for reasons for her to stay.
Lilly shut her eyes and squeezed Leo’s hand tighter. “Can we just…go?”
“What do ya mean ‘go’?” Leo asked a little surprised.
“I mean can we leave. Like can we get into your car and just drive until we find ourselves somewhere warm, where nobody knows us, and just make a life there?” The usual tone of sarcasm that so often accompanied these statements was absent on this occasion. “I know there’s school, and work, and crap but can’t we just go?!”
“Ok.” Leo said smiling.
“What?” Lillian asked, not sure if he understood what she was asking.
“When we wake up, point to the direction you wanna go and we can go.” He leaned toward her to better see her face.
Leo couldn't help but take in her beauty in the dim light.
“I love you.” Lillian said turning towards him and putting her arm underneath his head.
“I love you too.” Leo replied cupping his hand on her face brushing some hair away from her face with his thumb.
For a couple minutes everything was still. The candle light was dim and the crickets were calling it a night. And the two just stared at each other, each completely content and comfortable.
And so they slept

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