The Way Liam Lived | Teen Ink

The Way Liam Lived

March 7, 2014
By AlyLynn BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
AlyLynn BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't- your right."

Liam, my fiancé, wasn’t feeling well so I decided to visit him with warm soup. As I knocked on his door, there was no answer. Suddenly I heard a loud chocking and coughing noise. My heart pounded and I screamed. “Open up!” I was kicking the door and franticly turning the knob as if it would suddenly unlock. Eventually, with all my kicking the door broke open. There Liam was, laying on the ground coughing up blood. Fear struck my body and I couldn’t move.
“No!” I frantically screamed.
The neighbors heard the racket, ran in, called 911 and got him to the hospital. Liam was unconscious and the doctors were not sure what was wrong with him. Many tests were being done to see what could be wrong with him. I stayed in the hospital every night. My body became numb to any pain or exhaustion I was feeling. As my fingers explored my purse for lip-gloss I found my journal.
“Blair: 3/14/13:
The beautiful air and colorful flowers fill my heart with joy. Spring is the best time of year in New York City, everyone is happier and everything is more beautiful. Busy feet rush to coffee shops all over the city before work begins. I have a special place hidden in the streets so there is usually not too long of a line. I get to the coffee shop and there is a lack of a line. As I wait a man rushes in and bumps into me causing me to run into the mugs and many of them fall onto the floor. How embarrassing! No, How rude! That man was paying no attention to anything around him. Everyone looks as I try not to blow up at the man.
“I am so sorry! I was so distracted.” The man says. “Here, I will pay for your coffee and for the mugs.”
I thought to myself ‘well you should.’ But I didn’t want to take the pity of some man I don’t even know. He quickly asks me what I’m getting but the barista knows my usual and shouts out, ”A Grande vanilla latte with soy.”
I roll my eyes as he pulls out his credit card and pays for my coffee. Now I need to thank the man who ran into me. Great.
“Thank you but you didn’t need to pay for me.” I reply to his gesture.
“I know, I wanted to,” He replies with a charming smile.
At that moment I looked into his dark deep brown eyes, his confident manner and 6-foot long body. He was attractive. I began hoping he was not in a rush.
“Well because you bought me coffee, then do you want to sit and chat? Or do you have to get somewhere?”
While waiting for a reply, my heart was pounding, my hands were shaking, and my face was blushing. He is probably busy, I think to myself.
“No I am not busy, I would love to chat or whatever.” He replied nervously, which surprisingly calmed me.
“Blair: 4/21/13:
Liam and I have been seeing each other for a little over a month and I am completely in love. My body and soul have been captured by his presence. His charm and humor overwhelm me with joy every time I think of him. His views on the world line up perfectly with mine. He is compassionate and loving towards animals and other people. He opens my eyes and makes me a better person, each day. He surprises me with flowers and dinner plans, he is a true gentleman. The other day we sat at our spot in central park and just looked out at the world. I looked over at his face and he had a smile from ear to ear.
“What are you smiling about?” I asked in curiosity.
“Life is just, great”. He was so content with everything and never wanted anything more.
I was the luckiest girl to love someone who loved life. He makes me smile when I’m with him and even when I am alone. His laugh fills up the room, whenever we are together. It is so loud, anytime we are together we make a scene as his laugh grows louder and louder. It is one of the many things I love about him. I can’t imagine life without him. He creates such happiness that I have never seen on my face before. “
“Blair: 3/14/14:
My fingers are still shaking from the overcome joy I feel. Liam proposed. It was everything and more than I imagined. It had been a year since the day we met and he asked me to meet him at the coffee shop that we had literally bumped into each other. I arrived, walked up to the door and saw him standing in the middle of the empty shop. I knew something special was about to happen but I wasn’t sure what exactly. He got down on one knee and asked me for my hand in marriage. I jumped for joy and shouted, “I do!”
Tears were pouring out of my eyes falling onto the wrinkled pages of my journal. As I began to read my next entry, the nurse interrupted me. Liam had awaked and was in a good condition. The results from the test were back. As I held Liam’s hand, waiting for the news regarding his health, I hole in my stomach was growing. “Liam, I am so sorry but it is not good news. The results came back and…” The nurse paused with deep sorrow in her eyes, “you have leukemia”. No one said anything. The room was dead silent. The nurse gave us time and walked out. I was shocked, I decided it wasn’t true. It couldn’t be true, how could this happen. I have lived a good life; Liam has lived a good life. How could he get cancer? This wasn’t fair, my thoughts grew bigger and bigger and I couldn’t handle it. I ran out the door and into the bathroom. I crouched down in a small ball and cried. Thinking about how just the other day we were planning the beginning of our lives. Now, suddenly Liam would be planning his last days. Just thinking about it hurt. I finally got the courage to walk back to the room. I looked through the window at him and he looked back into my eyes and flashed his charming smile. I walked up to the side of the bed; he grabbed my hand and took a deep breath.
“I am going to fight. I am going to survive this, not because I’m afraid to die. But because I am afraid of losing you.” He said confidently.
At that moment I realized why I fell in love with him; his drive to live everyday to the fullest, to love everyone to the best of his ability, and to fight harder than anyone has ever fought before. He inspired me to be a better version of myself. Liam lived another three years. We married in his hometown and have a beautiful daughter who strives everyday to live as her father did.

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