Unwanted | Teen Ink


March 9, 2014
By Anonymous

The sound of music slowly fading in and out as she felt her heart crumble in her chest finally stopped. She let go and escaped from the black hole she was crawling deeper and deeper into. She was free. Every reason that made her feel this way was now nothing; nothing at all. It was all just petty, little things that any hormonal teenage goes through.
Only a certain amount of people have felt this feeling; heartbreak. The only way to avoid it is to be strong and independent. This girl, however, was neither of those things. She held everything in, or at least tried to. She tried so hard to be what he wanted her to be, but in doing so she started to hate herself more and more. Realizing that he was not appreciating anything and everything she did for him, she broke down. This did not fix what she wanted. It only made things worse. She found herself crying and breaking down every time when she was with him. She even went as far as to harming herself to try to get his attention. Did it work? Not one bit. Did he care? Not one bit.
Now, you may be asking yourself, “Why did the girl stay with the one who was causing her so much depression and suicidal thoughts?” One simple answer, she was weak. He was the only one there for her, through every “friend” that had left, he was there by her side. Through every breakdown, he was there. He was all she had, or was he? The thing is, we will never know if she had anybody else except for him there for her. She focused everything on him, he was always on her mind, and everything reminded her of him.
She was too weak to be on her own, she wanted safety and security. He gave her those things, he made her feel warmth. Even though he made her feel the worst feelings anyone could ever feel, he also made her feel the best feelings in the world. We will never know if even one word that came out of his mouth was true. He poured out so many lies, it all started to build up in the tiny enclosed room she was in, and it started to drown her.
He is what killed her. Sure, she was the one who tied the knot, put it around her neck, and hung herself, but it was him that made her give up. All she ever wanted was to feel loved. So young and so many opportunities ahead of her, she threw it all away because she felt unwanted.

The author's comments:
I have had many suicidal friends, most were suicidal because of their relationships. This piece is inspired by my friends, they are very strong for making it out alive, and I am happy they made it, unlike the girl in this story. (Note: this is a fictional story and is not based off of anybody.)

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 17 2014 at 11:46 am
scarlite BRONZE, Monahans, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
dream as if youll live forever, live as if youll die to day.

Chills, all the way across my arms like a blanket. I hopr friends know how much you care. Love is the craziest thing. It is the most selfless selfishness we are capable  of . Great peace.