In The End | Teen Ink

In The End

March 7, 2014
By Karizma BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Karizma BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Noah was walking through the mall with a couple of his friends just doing some shopping. Thank god he got paid this week he thought because if not he would have been window shopping.He would have felt left out. Noah does not like to feel out of place he likes to feel secure and if he does not he gets a little weird and uncomfortable.

Noah and his friends got hungry so they decided to head to the food court. The food court was divided but only because the Jews and Germans felt they couldn't get along because of everything that happened in the past between the Jewish people and Germans. Noah didn't really care for the segregation. He really did not mind the Jewish people. He had a heart, but some of his friends did mind. they couldn't stand the sight of a Jew. but Noah couldn’t say anything about it cause that’s how they were raised.

Just as they were about to hit The Pizza Spot Noah turned his head to see the most beautiful girl with the curliest blonde hair that came all the way down to her hips. She had the bluest eyes that looked like the ocean and she had freckles directly on her cheekbones. Noah did not realize he was staring at her ‘till he snapped out of it and found her staring at him. he smirked at her and she gave him a smile back and pushed her hair behind her ear. He found that so cute. He smiled even harder and his cheeks got even more red than before. He felt a feeling he never felt before. He was puzzled on why he felt like this. Deep inside him somewhere inside he knew she wouldn't just be some other girl. So in the midst of everything he started walking towards her and he didn't know why he wanted to stop but his legs just took control of him, he finally reached her face to face and to him she was so perfect even up close.

Finally he said “Hi” and he got so mad inside he said to himself “ the girl of your dreams is standing right infront of you and you could say was hi?”. He looked at her face and she was turning red.

“Hi im Isabelle and you are ?” she said. “
“oh im sorry im Noah.” He gave her a little chuckle.
“Do you come to this mall a lot?” she asked.
“actually i do. almost every weekend.”
“maybe we could come together sometime?”

Noah was in shock on how straightforward she was. “Yeah sure we can come to the mall together” Noah said. “Well then i'll see you around Noah it was nice meeting you” she said with a smile. “It was nice meeting you too Isabelle” he said and then smiled back. As Noah was walking back to his friends he realized he never took her number he turned around but Isabelle was gone. He looked around but it was like she vanished from plain sight. The only thing he could do now was wait to see if he ever saw her again.

Noah’s dad he’s real annoying he looks just like Noah tall blonde hair he’s a little more husky then Noah well he has been going to the gym a lot longer than him. His name is John such a typical name. Noah’s mom passed away a couple years ago. She got into a real bad car accident and unfortunately the damage was to suvir to recover from. Her name was Nancy she was real beautiful. Long straight brown hair. Hazel eyes Model tall she was a complete package. But ever since she died Noah's dad was a lot angrier and he just couldn't seem to let go of her death for anything. Noah also looked alot like his mother and John saw her when he looked at Noah and it just kills him. Noah tries to maintain calm but his dead is always arguing with him on everything and tries to tell him what he can and can't do and just doesn't feel he’s young for that he’s old enough to make his own decisions he’s almost 18 for crying out loud.

Noah stormed outside he needed some fresh air , being trapped in his house was killing him. He and his father where going back and forth arguing as always. Noah walked out on the porch and sat in the seat right in front of the window. He was staring up at the bank of clouds blocking the sun. he suddenly heard a voice coming near his house he could not seem to take his eyes away from the cloud bank but when he finally did his eyes widened and he stood up in shock because he saw that Isabelle the girl from the mall again. He never even thought he would see her again. “its her” he says. He didn't know what else to do but just go say something again maybe alittle more then before he laughed but not because anything was funny but because he was nervous he didn't know what else to do. he ran down what seemed like the never ending staircase and down the block he stumbled over a few rocks and branches that fell from the trees since the weather was beginning to change lots more leaves on the floor then usual.

He finally caught up to Isabelle and he said “hey isabelle remember me?”

she glanced her head back and smiled and said “ yes Noah i remember you how could i forget that face?”

the smile he gave her was huge he couldn't even hide it no matter how hard he tried. Noah started to say something but Isabelle cut him off.
“ hey i can't help but ask aren't you German.”

Noah’s facial expression was real serious now. he could feel his body temperature rising felt like a boiling pot stuck on high.He said
“ what ? oh umh yeah i am why does it matter.”

“ Not if me being Jewish doesnt matter” Isabelle said nervously.

Noah said “really it doesn't I dont care about that stuff." Isabelle then says "well then I guess we are good and I kind of want to get to know you" she pushed her hair back and gave him a really innocent loo. "Really you would?" Noah says. "Yes Noah I would" she says there goes that smile he couldn't control.

Isabelle says "so are you going to take my number or not?“she laughed.

Noah fell in love. she was perfect and he knew she would be the one for him he just knew it. Noah took Isabelle’s number and they would text non-stop talk about everything in the world Isabelle was Noah's rock whenever he felt down. He would talk to her about it and his whole mood would just be better. Noah fell hard for Isabelle there wasnt a thing he didnt love about her. He did not care for anything as much as he cared for Isabelle. He thought for a minute while laying in bed one day on how lucky he was to have got Isabelle. He would never want or need another soul to love because he would have Isabelle the girl of his dreams.

Isabelle and Noah fell so deep in love with each other. They would do absolutely everything together. You name it they found a way to do it together. Although Noahs father John did not approve at first he could see that this made Noah very happy kept him on task and focused, he just gave up on trying to get Noah to change his mind. John let them be happy and Noah was very happy. In the end a German and Jew fell in love.

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