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March 21, 2014
By Tew_cute BRONZE, Crestwood, Kentucky
Tew_cute BRONZE, Crestwood, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" faith, trust, and pixie dust!"

I don't know where I came from, but I am happy I exist. My story may sound sad but I am happy. I don't even have a name, but you can call me Pages. I'm nothing special, I am just a journal.
I was on a store shelf with all the other journals till a girl picked me up and took me. She would open me up and write in me. She would tell me about her day, her hopes and dreams, she would draw me pictures, she would do this almost every night! I loved hearing from her, if i could be smile I would be smiling all the time.
It was like she looked at the world differently.
Bad things started to happen to her, things she couldn't control. I could tell by her writing she was really hurting, and I couldn't do anything about it. I started to grow feelings for her, I cared about her so much and she was hurting, it's killing me. But she just thinks I'm nothing but a journal.
The pain just kept coming at her, she would write about going to a party and want the pain to go away so she would drink more and more. I wanted to tell her to stop but I couldn't. She wasn't herself anymore.
Should I even care? I don't even know her name. But i do care, I know how she feels in the inside and she is beautiful. But the world has changed her, she went to light to dark. I just wish I could help her, I know if she would just stop what she was doing and move on, she would be happy again.
She was writing in me and I could feel her tears hitting my pages, she was heartbroken from everything in her life, she felt like her whole world was crashing down on her.
" I don't know what to do anymore, I just want to give up."
When she finished writing all this energy came over me, I didn't want her to think that. So I changed it to:
" I will never give up"
I don't know how I did it but I did. I could feel her erase what I changed, and she write again how she wanted to give up. But I changed it again, I wasn't going to let her think that. I could feel her close me and put me away, I'm sure I freaked her out. I had no idea I had the power to do that.
She didn't write in me for a few days, but when she started up again, I could feel her start to test me. She would write:
" I hate my life."
And I would change the hate to love. Anytime she would write something negative I would change it, and she started to notice that. I would try to give her hope. I wanted to do whatever I could for her.
She only had a few pages left in me, and she was sounding like her old happy self more and more each day. She soon was on her last page and she wrote how she didn't understand how it was possible from me to change her words but she was grateful. She started to close me up, I tried to write " I love you" but, it was to late she was gone. She never wrote in me again.
I should be sad, I miss her of course, but knowing she's happy again means everything to me. I re-read her story all the time. It's silly, I know. A journal fling in love with the writer. But it happened, and I learned a lot from her.
Life can get really rough sometimes, but always stay positive. Move on, and fight for your happiness. Because you deserve it.

The author's comments:
Don't you ever wish your journal was a real person? In my piece, the journal falls in love with the writer. He helps give her hope. This piece is about real love, caring about the person move then yourself and wanting to do everything you can for them.

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