High school | Teen Ink

High school

March 29, 2014
By Anonymous

High school

Two months before school ended is when it all happened. Two typical high school kids who never really met. Two kids met.

Jordan is a 17 year old Junior class boy who never really experienced the dating environment, he is just looking for the perfect girl to be in his life. He is a tall blonde hair, green eye boy. Been in sports his whole life going from baseball to soccer. Being in high school focusing on work and sports, its hard to have time for a legit relationship but when he does find time, he will worship her.

Lauren, a sophomore 15 year old, is what they would call easy now-a-days. She has been in a relationship with Julian, they fell madly in love with each other. For almost two years they have been dating. Just up until she started becoming bored of the relationship, so she felt the need to go seeking for attention from different guys. Once Julian found out she was speaking with other men, he got upset and one time for the one time, pushed Lauren. That was the breaking point for both of them. She just wanted one to give her the attention she thought she deserved.

Being in a medium sized high school, there can be times where you see the same person walk past you everyday going to fourth period, or there can be times where you see a new face everyday. A guy and girl can have gone to the same schools their whole life but would have never known. Now there are social media to get to know people at your school like twitter, instagram, and facebook. March 19, 2014.

Coming down E hall, Jordan was talking to his friends like usual. For a moment he stopped and turned around. Mesmorized by this beautiful figure walking towards him he just stared. That figure wasn’t paying much attention to the surroundings. But Jordan just couldn’t get his eyes off it. Walking closer and closer to him, Jordan realized it was Lauren.

All throughout the day Jordan couldn’t get Laurens face out his head. He never felt this way about someone before. He didn’t know what was going on around him. For the first time in a long time he was crushing on Lauren. Jordan knew lauren from around but never thought of her as the way he did that day. He couldn’t wait to get home and get on twitter.

Later that night Jordan rushed home after soccer practice and hopped straight on twitter. He searched up Lauren in the yearbook and found her last name. 15 minutes later he found her on twitter. It was great timing because 2 days prior to that, Lauren set up her account. Immediately after finding her, he wrote to her. So scared that she wouldn’t reply Jordan just sat there and stared at the screen. Immediately after he sent the message, she replied.

All Jordan could do was just try and get to know her. He didn’t want to seem weird, but automatically people saw a connection between them. For a week they would talk everyday on twitter for hours. They would see each other at school but too scared to say something. But because of that, problems were ahead.

Lauren and Jordan liked each other and would post it on twitter to the public. Everyone saw what was going on between them. Jordan was falling fast, but was Lauren?

One day Jordan saw Lauren with Julian after school. It was weird because Lauren would talking bad about Julian and Jordan didn’t understand why she would be speaking with Julian. He knew something was going to happen but couldn’t give specific details on what was going to happen.

Later that night, Jordan wrote to Lauren but she would give boring responses. Jordan knew right then and there what was going on.

The next night Jordan saw a post in Instagram. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Was that Lauren and Julian kissing? Didn’t they break up!? The thoughts going through Jordans head were driving him insane. He was broken. He still couldn’t believe it all.

Trying to write to her on twitter she would just brush it off like it was Jordans fault. Jordan felt guilty he felt mad, but most of all, he felt hurt. How could she do that to him? Lead him on and just leave him in the dust like their connection meant nothing to her.

All Jordan kept doing was blaming himself for something that wasn’t his fault. But what he didn’t realize, is that Lauren just was not the girl for him. She was still in love with Julian and Jordan just had to accept the fact. Lauren never really wanted Jordan, she just wanted the attention he was giving her. He was a handsome young man who would be going far in life. Even maybe have a soccer career. He didn’t know but someday he would change the world.

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