Will I | Teen Ink

Will I

April 15, 2014
By 1215_Dova BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1215_Dova BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you want in the world" -Ghandi

You wake up one morning wondering if this is the day. Then, you remember the first day you met her. It was your first time in the United States, just having moved there from Paris, France. Everything was different to you, the language, the school, and the way of life for that matter, but she was there to help you; on the first day; on homework assignments; even when older students started to pick on you. If only you had the courage to do it, but whenever you go up to her to do it, you lose your train of thought looking at her face, her straight brown hair, bright blue eyes, stunning body, and luscious smile. Maybe this will be the day.

You get up and get dressed pretty fast wearing the shirt you wore when you first met her. You rush down stairs and eat your breakfast, still only thinking about one thing, whether or not you will do it. You get on your bus. While everyone else is messing around, you are just thinking about the possibilities, and outcomes, positive or negative, that could come of it. Positive, you will know that she likes you. Negative, could terminate your friendship with her entirely. You just can’t decide. Your bus drops you off at your school. It’s now or never, you think to yourself.

You get into school with tremendous speed. You’re within fifty feet of her, but something out of the corner of her eye catches your attention. It’s your best friend.

He comes over to you and asks you,” Did you finish the science homework.”

You respond with,” Yes!”

He then asks,” Can I borrow it?”

You reach into to your backpack, and grab it with the speed of a lightning bolt, you hand it to him. He takes it, and walks away. You look over to where her locker is and she’s gone. Then it hits you, you have second hour with her. You think this has to be the time. You rush off to your locker, get all your stuff for class and go to first hour.

The bell rings, and you rush out of first hour. You reach second hour very quickly. When you get to class you look around to try to find her, but she hasn’t arrived yet. By that time, you notice that you left all your stuff in first hour. You cuss at yourself under your breath. You run back to first hour, you get yelled at from every teacher that sees you. You get back to first hour and grab your stuff and run back to second hour. You get back right before the bell rings. At least she’s five feet from your desk.

All through the first half of class, you’re going over how you’re going to do it. The nice approach, the swaggering way, or just the be yourself way.
Then the teacher says,” Get to work, no talking.”

You just know it’s time to do it. You reach over to her; you’re an inch away from her shoulder.

At that exact same moment the teacher looks over at you, and tells you,” Why don’t you come over and sit by me today.” You stand up and go sit by him.
The bell is about to ring when the teacher asks you,” Can I talk to you after class for a minute.” You think to yourself, why is this happening to me? Your now know you will have to do it at lunch.

Third hour goes by as fast as a turtle crossing the road. You rush off at top speeds to lunch. By some unlucky piece of chance, you run into the principle going the speed of light.

He looks at you and says,” Lunch Detention, NOW!” You swear under your breath and wonder if this is the hardest day in your life. The last chance you will have today is at the end of the day at her locker.

In fifth hour all you could think about is the small chance you have to accomplish at the end of the day. You spend all hour drawing pictures on ways the event could go. Your first drawing is of you and her holding hands. The second one is with her walking away and you with an unhappy face. When you hear the bell you rush off to sixth hour, but this time with not as much speed. You get there to see you are just watching a movie on the Russian Revolution.

Your friend gives you back the sheets that he borrowed for science. You yell at him for not getting the homework done the night before. Since, he did ruin your first chance at doing it that morning before the first bell. You fall asleep fifteen minutes into the video. You dream about yourself asking her the question. She says yes, and you go running off into the sunset with her. You wake up to your friend. He says,” The bell is about to ring.” Then you remember that was just a dream. Now is the moment of truth. The bell rings.

You walk out of the classroom, blood rushing, adrenaline pumping, and heart racing. You get to your locker at the speed of the flash. You get everything you need and rush off to her locker. She’s there. Fifty feet, forty feet, thirty feet, twenty feet, ten feet, five feet, one foot. You remember everything you are going to say. You tap on her shoulder. She turns to you and smiles. You take a deep breath.

You ask her,” Do you want to start dating?”

She looks at you deeply in the eyes and says,” What do you think?”

The author's comments:
When I wrote this I was reflecting on some tough times I went through.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Apr. 21 2014 at 9:22 pm
1215_Dova BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you want in the world" -Ghandi

I made it that type of ending so it would make the reader chose how it could end.

lacyb BRONZE said...
on Apr. 21 2014 at 9:18 pm
lacyb BRONZE, Monterey, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. - William Shakespeare

wait! how does it end?! do they go out?